I'm My Own Cousin???

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Mamma Bear helped me get change and roll me back to Dr Cullen. He’s just sitting there, reading over something. Alec was nowhere to be seen. He looked up.

          “How did everything go?” He asked, half smiling trying to lighten the mood.

          “Everything when fine ish... I am in a lot of pain, she had to put new stitchers in.” I said shifting in my seat, trying to get comfterble. Which is not working. “But everything is fine, thank you so much Dr Cullen.” I said my voice censer. He chuckled.

          “Katarina it is absolutely fine, 1) It’s my job. 2) As Rose said you are part of the family. And please call me Carlisle.” Carlisle said chuckling, I nodded and smiled.

          “OH HELL NO!” Alec yelled bursting through the door then slamming it, I jumped.

          “Oi watch it! Katarina doesn’t need more stressed with you yelling and slamming doors. So calm down be for before I-” Rose growling threatening at Alec. His eyes turned back.

          “Before what?” Alec threatened back, I felt tears come to my eyes. WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL!?!?!?!? I feel sad, angry, happyish I feel weird, I think I need a drink.  

          “That is enough.” Carlisle said his voice filled with authority. They both looked at him, and nodded.

          “Katarina I will not let you live in that house!” Alec said, sitting opperset me.

          “Why? It’s fine.” I said, I know the house is a shit house; it looks a little shifty and run down.....to hell! One of the back windows are broke, I think there is a leak in the ceiling.

          “It’s a really shit house, some of it is falling apart! Also you have no bed, there is no lounge! Where are you going to sleep? Also there is NO food! How are you going to eat?” He asked he was very serious. For some reason ager filled me.

          “Oh SHUT UP ALEC! I know you just want to take me Italy or somewhere with you, so you can watch me 24/7 I know you just care for me, but I am NOT going with you. I like it here, I am going to stay here. GOT. IT. Now stop getting angry and don’t you dare threaten Rose or raze your voice.” I growled. I shook my head.

Why am I growling at Alec? I asked myself. “Alec I am so sorry for growling at you.....I...I don’t know what is with me today. I am so emotional!” I said tears fell down my face.

          “Katarina it is ok. I am sorry. I just want you to be safe.” He said wholeheartedly, I just nodded looking at my hands in my lap.

          “Ok. Well Katarina I can tell that you are going to be a little emotional for a little while because when you hit your head you must have made you Shifter side of you active. Which also means your senses are heighten, also you will have more animal instincts, like growling, bearing your teeth also you’re K-nines, also your eyes will change colour.” Carlisle said, I just looked at him. Shifter? What da fuq? I don’t change in to any kind of animal. How can I be a shifter?

          “I am sorry.... what now?” I asked looking at them all.

          “Well you know your mum was a witch but she was also half vampire, she met her mate, your dad who was a shifter a lion one, which is very rear. Anyhow, that makes you a Vampire/Witch/Lion Shifter.” Alec said. I looked over at him saspishesly.

          “Wooooh there! My dad? Or my ‘Father’? Coz I know for sure that he is not a Shifter..... Just has the temper like one.” I said, with a chuckle, so did Alec.

          “Nah your ‘Father’ is not your dad. You uncle is you dad, he is the shifter.” Alec said.

          “So my ‘Father’ is not my dad, my dad is my uncle, whom is a lion shifter.” I repeated. “Wait which uncle?” I asked worry filled me.

          “Uncle Will.” He said, l let out a sigh of relief. I then smiled.

          “Oh GOOD! THANK GOD! I heard about Uncle Will, he was good, kind man. But he died didn’t he?” I asked. Alec nodded. I frowned. I never got to know my real dad.  “So my Uncle in my dad. Does that make me my own cousin?” I asked, Alec burst out laughing, I mean hunched over belly holding laughter.

Hey, it’s a good question, I mean you are just told that your Uncle is your dad. I thought. I rolled my eyes at him. I turned to Mamma Bear, she just shook her head, I nodded.

          “Katarina?” Carlisle asked, I turned to him. “What do you think about the whole being Vampire/Witch/Lion Shifter?” He asked, I sat there for a few seconds thinking. Well tgweiglergbhfxdlbgwreu!! HOW COOL! I knew I was a witch or well half of one. What dose being a bit of vampire and lion shifter change? I mean I am still Katarina, with some cool ass abilities.

          “I think it is so cool! I mean like what’s the different I am still Scarlet, I have been a witch all my life, and just found out about the vampire part, but I was born with it and it has not really bad or anything, I would not have known if you didn’t tell me about being a little bit vampire and a bit shifter. Plus even if I didn’t want it I cannot change it. It’s who I am. Plus I can do things others can’t, I am different, and that is ok, I like it.” I said with a shrug. Alec looked at me his eyes filled with pride, Mamma Bear had tears, Carlisle nodded.

          There was a silent.



How are you all??

Went to the Hosperlte Doctor thingy.... Said that She thinks I will be better in 2 years! But I will still have set backs. But like the Chronic stuff will get better and stuff. But I might need to chill bang at the hospertle for a few weeks, to get some help. I AM SCARED AT HELL! 

But it should be fun..... right? 

OH well!

I hope you all liked! 



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