Katarina's Story

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             Mamma Bear told him how she found me, he nodded, then took my medical folder, his eyes widen at the size. That’s just the first one, hahaha Jane and Alec took me every time my ‘Father’ broke something or did anything that needed treatment so my ‘Father’ would not know.

          The thought of Dr Cullen knowing, what he did.....and John and Hope. This file is the worst, the other one is for the little things.... this one.....this one is bad, bad. It also has the police report on how they found me, there are pictures, and pictures of Hope. I started to sob, uncontrollably. Mamma Bear held on to me, like she was trying to prevent me to fall apart right there and then. I finally calm down.

          I looked up at Dr Cullen, he looks like someone from Bold and the boatful. Pale skin, hazel eyes like the others, he has very light blond hair. He is very handsome. He looks like he is about to cry.

          “I am so sorry.” He said solemnly, emphasis on the ‘so’. “If it is ok I would like to give you a full check over, now knowing your past I think it might do some good. I will also check your head.” He said, his voice and his eyes made me feel like I could trust him. Something about hazel eyes, my mum used to have this saying about people with hazel eyes.

          “Um y-yeah, umm also could you get someone to check some of the sticking that they did ermm.... down there.” I said awkwardly, “I erm have bleeding and it is ALOT, they said that there should not be any at all for a while, plus it really hurts.” I said, he nodded in understandment.

          “I will call to see if we can get a Gynaecologist if not I will get someone else in that area, but you might need to go down to the maternity ward.” I nodded but looked down at my feet. I did a quick glance at Mamma Bear, she looked kinder lost but understanding. I held tight to her hand. “Katarina I would also like to talk about what happened.” I whimpered, at his words. “Rose can you please leave.” He asked so calm and nicely, but I squeezed her hand hard.

          “Can she please stay?” I asked, I pretty much pleaded, I turned to face Mamma Bear. “I mean if you want, you don’t have to stay, you might not want to see....or get involved, you can go I can ask Alec if he can pick me up. I don’t want to feel like you need to stay.” I ramble, I was about to ramble more.

          “I would love to stay..... wrong chose of words, um I will stay as long as you want me. Plus you are family now, I can’t leave my Baby Cub now.” She said, I burst in to tears and hugged her, thanking her repeatedly.

          I really did need her.

          “I really do need you Mamma Bear.” I said voicing my thoughts, she awed and held me tight and told me everything is going to be alright. I pulled away, Dr Cullen looked confused but happy.

          “Um would you like to undress just until you’re in your undergarments then it will give me a better look at your joints and how they move.” He said softly. I nodded and did as he said, Mamma Bear helped me. I hears two gasps. I looked down at my feet I closed my eyes trying not to let the tears spill. I took a big breath, I better tell them my story, well the shorten one. Let it out like a band aid, quick and fast.

          “My mum left when I was five, my ‘Father’ became an alcoholic or more of one, beat me ever sins she left, every single day, morning and evening. I was then later raped by my dad and my uncle. I was eleven, Dad was drunk, my uncle wasn’t. But that was a onetime thing. Then later one, I was raped by my boyfriend he was drunk at the time. He was kind and sweet at first but he only wanted one thing, I said ‘No’ and try to leave a few times before cause I saw him cheat on me, but every time he got angry and would hit me. I fell pregnant, I kept it. I was six months pregnant, I had stayed with same friends, Jane and Alec, I went to get something back home. Both my ‘Father’ and boyfriend were there. I saw I was pregnant and beat me and the baby, until she died. I got out of hospital....... five days ago.” I let out, I hung my head in shame, my eyes squeezed shut. I strange fire burn in my body, I let out a lowed growl, I felt my k-nines came out, my eye felt like they were heating up.

          “KATARINA!” I heard Alec command, I felt his arms around me, my body thrashed around trying to get out of his hold. All I want to do is hurt them like they did me. They need to pay, I want to stomp on their balls, let them scream in agony pain make them beg me just to kill them, plead their sorry. Then rip their throats out with my bare hands. Suddenly darkness interrupted my thoughts.


          I knew I should not have went hunting! Arugh, Jane is going to have my head. I ring started to flash, then I knew Katarina was in trouble. I wile ago, Katarina cased a spell on both and mien ring and every time she is in trouble or needs help it will flash on its own. I ran as fast as I could, to the hospital, I knew she was with Dr Carlisle. Katarina mother really respected him and was quite fond on him, she let Carlisle deliver Katarina.

          I walked in to his office, Katarina just standing there, her k-nines, out her growling showing her teeth, her eyes a yellowy orange, her pupils dilated.

          “Shit her shifter side is waking!” I said, wrapping my arms around her, trying to prevent her from moving, we don’t want a death on our hands, no hers, I can guaranty that she will go kill someone. She is so angry. Suddenly she goes limp on my arms, I place her on the bed. “Carlisle give her something to relax her for a little.” He nodded and gave her an injection.

          “What is going on? What just happen?” Rosalie asked it sounded like she was about to cry. I looked in to Katarina nonches face.

          “Has she hit her head?” I asked, no one in particular.

          “Y-yes her bike stopped working she skidded along the ground and hit her head on a tree root.” Rosalie said. I let out a sigh.

          “The hit on the head must have woken her Shifter instincts.” I said looking down at my poor Katarina, she has been through so much, I wish I could make it all go away.

          “Shifter?” She asked, I turned to look at her.

          “She is a hybrid Vampire/ Witch/ Loin Shifter.” I said, then looked down at Katarina. She has a long way to go. Alternate in fact.

          I moved out of the way to let Carlisle look at her body and see if there is anything he can do. 


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