To The Hospital!

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          “We are going to fail the family tree!” I laughed holding on to Jasper as we walk to the car park, Jasper and I have been discussing that Family Tree thing for the last two classes. Now we are laughing like loons, for no real reason. Alec is standing with the others waiting for us.

          “Alecy I have some errands to run, I will be home later.” I said, I looked at my phone. “Shhhhit! I am late!!!” I said. I hugged Mamma Bear.

          “Bye Mamma Bear.” I said, I then hugged Alice.

          “See ya.” I said to her.

          “Bye Boys!” I called as I walked. I heard Emmett say something like; ‘So we don’t get a hug?’ I chuckle at that.

          Emmett is not that bad, we had some classes together, we kinder have the same sense of humour. Like laughing at something that someone says that sounds dirty but they mean nothing by it. Heehee. Or joking but kinder meanly but mean nothing by it kind of things, in class, or making smart/ sarcastic comments.

          I hop on my bike and make my way to the hospital. Why is it sounding funny? ....... I am pretty sure that it didn’t sound like this before...My poor baby is making a dying cow sounds. I am almost thereish, but the sounds almost sound like they are getting worst. Suddenly it just stops and swerves to the side of the rode.

          “SHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIT!!!” I squeaked, everything is going in slow motion, well no it is actually going really slowly. I don’t know what to do! Leaves, sticks, dirt and what-not collided with my body as I slid across the ground, being stopped by a root from a tree making a forceful contact with my head. I groaned, “Arhhhh fuck.” I wiggle my toes, then my fingers. Ok I can feel them and move them, which is good. My eyes are still closed, I can’t really open them right know. I hear a few cars pass, then a sudden screech.

          “OH MY GOD! KATARINA!?” I hear someone fear and anxiety filled their voice, I tried to sit up. I hear them run to my side. They take off my helmet. “Are you ok? What happened? How long have you been here?” They bombarded me with questions their voice raised with each question. Why are they yelling at me? I thought, I tried to look at the person. Its Rosalie, Mamma Bear. I felt safe know she is here. But I don’t like that she is yelling.

          “W-why are you y-yel-lling at m-me-e?” I asked my voice broke, for some reason I have no control of myself and start to cry.

          “Oh sweetie I am sorry, I didn’t mean to rise my voice to you. It’s just you scared me.” She said wiping my hair out of my face. “Now are you hurt anywhere?” Her voice laced with seriousness. I took a deep breath a let it out. I slowly moved my arms, I slowly poked my rips, a little pain, but it feels more like bruises. Nope, no broken rips. I feel no real pain besides my head, it kinder feels iffy. 

          “My head feels iffy.” I murmured, she pulled me in to a hug.

          “I will take you to the hospital.” She said and scooped me up in her arms.

          “Oh my bike.... papers.. I need.” I murmured. She placed me gently in the car.

          “I will get them, I will be back.” She primest. She came back and sat in the driver’s seat. “Are these medical documents?” She asked.

          “Yep, mien I am on my way to the Doc.” I said closing my eyes.

          “Ah uh sorry Katarina you need to open your eyes.” She said placing her ice cold hands on mine.

          “But I am sleepy!” I wind pouting.

          “You can sleep later, but you have hurt your dead Ducky you need to stay awake. You can sleep later.” She said softly stroking my forehead. I smiled, Mum used to call me that. I let out a chuckle.

          “Mum used to call me that.” I murmured and then I lost all control of my emotions again. “I miss her so much.” I wept.

          “Oh sweetie.” Mamma Bear hushed me and stroked my forehead and my hair. Suddenly a purring sound starts to come out of me. “Ok we are there sweetie.” She said next thing I know, the door on my side of the car opens. Mamma Bear helps me up, I slowly walk, but my knees buckled and wobbled. I bet this would be the funniest thing for the on looker. “I think your still in shock. Here lean on me, I will help you walk.” Mamma Bear said, she sounded sad. I sniffed the air.

All this armours filled my knows; fresh rain, woods, wet fur... deer, the smell of after it back fires, the plastic from the tires, you know when the car has been speeding and a sudden stop, iron.... tangy.... blood so many other smells. I focused to something a little closer..... I sniffed again, salty... wet and fresh... tears. I turned my head. Mamma Bear has tears in the rim of her eyes.

          “Please don’t cry Mamma Bear. I will be fine.” I said. We made it to the front desk.

          “We need to see Dr Cullen immediately!” Mamma Bear said holding in her emotions... very badly, but trying.

          “Sorry but he is busy right know.” The girl behind the desk, she looks... in her twenties, with a bit to much make up, lied. I turned my head to the side, she did not look her in the eye like she did when we first walked up.

          “Excuse me?” I said softly, the girl behind the desk looked me stright in the eye.

          “Yes?” She asked politely, complete eye contact.

          “Are you sure Dr Cullen is busy?” I asked, not looking away from her eyes, but from the corner on my eye I can see whom I am thinking is Dr Cullen sins he kinder looks like Rose, also he stopped walking as soon as I spoke his name. He just came out of the brake room, and is slowly making his way over.

          “Yes he is busy...... he is errm with another patient.” She said she broke eye contact and was looking around her.

          “You’re lying. I know that sines you normally when you talk make eye contact when you talk but then you suddenly looked away, also you would know that Dr Cullen was on a brake that finished 55 seconds ago. Do you know how I know this?” I asked her, my arms resting on the desk and my head resting on my arms. “I know because the brake room is over there. Also I am his next patient and last but not less the dead giver away is that he is standing right behind you.” I said, (I sounded really weird) as I lazily waved my finger behind her to Dr Cullen. Who stood there with an amused face on.

          Shock, embarrassment and mortified mix in to one was the expression on her face. I smiled weakly, my head feels different. Dr Cullen ushered us to his office.



We got a new Dog! Its called Honey! 

He's called Harry, so adorable!

Anyway!!! I hope you all enjoy! 

Tell me what you think!!




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