Part 5:

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Sorry for the late update,I hope you'll like this chapter and still support this story.And before you begin to read this chapter,I'm sorry if there's a wrong spelling or grammar in this.


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Scarlet Pov

It's been almost a week since the incident happened.And to tell you frankly I can't sleep nor Grim.This is shit! I mean we're like a prisoner that hiding from the cops.Every day our minds are freaking out,wondering if something might happened unexpectedly.I'm too damn scared not for myself but for the triplets and Grim,I hate the fact,that I can't do anything,no scratch that I CAN DO SOMETHING,but I'm too damn scared from my past,I was still hunted by it.I'm scared because what if,they will do it to Grim and the 3,in what they did to my mom.My mom is the only one who love me and I fucking hate them in what they did to her,they kill my mom,MY MOM.My dad and brother kill her and they want me to join them.6 years ago...6 years ago,that year they kill my mother,I can't even believe that I last for 2 years with them after what they did.

Back then when I was young,I was a loner,a weird creepy girl that doesn't fit in any society.Wearing big eye glasses that almost cover my whole face,braces on my teeth, dress like I'm a nun and covering my face with my long thick black hair.I hate interacting to people,I don't feel comfortable towards them like I feel danger in them,not until I meet Grim. Even my family doesn't want me except for mom,she always cheer me up.No one every tired to befriend with me.In my families eyes,I'm a disgrace they see like I'm just a pest in their lives that will destroy them.And that's when they kill mom,they told me that they wanted me to be strong,heartless and never learn how to love they want me to kill my own mother.I hate them so much,I love mom....I love her so much,she's the only one who loves me but they take her away and now I won't let anyone take Grim and the kids away from me.I will guard them my life,they show me that I was love and to love again.

I was back to my to reality when I feel someone hold my shoulder

"Hey! Scarlet,what's wrong"-Grim ask me and that when I realise that I was crying,I look at Grim with teary eye,she immediately hug me and I hug her back.

"Hey! don't cry shhh! is this because of what's happening right now,Scarlet I promise we will surpass this"-she assure me

"No Grim,it's not about that,I just remember something from my past"-I said

"Shhh! I know you had a hard time in your childhood but be optimistic okay"-she cheer me up,Grim doesn't know the real thing that really happened to me,I lie to her when I said that I'm an orphan and have no place to live.

"Okay"-I said

"Mom what's for dinner"-we divert our gaze to Tyron whose holding his tummy like he was informing us that its dinner time already.Grim and I look at each other and smile while shaking our heads softly.

"Okay! Who's up for dinner"-Grim ask with a happy tone

"I AM"-all of us answer,the triplets are so cute.

We enjoy our dinner that night like there's no problem at all


Third Person Pov

(Underground Society)

"So what are your plans master"-a man named Kola asked,his boss just stare at him blankly

"Make her suffer"-Kola couldn't believe in what he just heard

"A-are you serious"-he ask unbelievingly and for that he receive death glare from his master

"Do I look like not"-his master said

"B-but you want he-"-Kola didn't continue what his about to say when his master cut him off

"Say another word and you'll meet my bullet"-he said deviously warn,even thought Kola like to ask why he just shut his mouth up.

Minutes later,the long silent was broke

"I'll make her pay for deceiving me,no one escape from 'the' Alexander Fords"


Grim Pov

"That would be $89.67 ma'am"-the casher girl said with a smile,tss! I know it's fake,I can sense that she's irritated at me.I just pay her the bill and went out to my car.I'm at the supermarket right now.I was planning to move out from the hotel where we stay,I think it is not safe there anymore.

While I'm on my way home

"Fucking shit!"-I curse how did they find me,not again.Are we going to destroy private property again.I change my route,I won't let them hurt my family,those fucking assholes.Does they really want to see the real demon inside me,we'll *smirk* I'll give them what they want.

"*Smirk*Let's start the killing"-I'm like a demon when I say those words.I don't know why I'm being bipolar when it comes in this kind of situation but I feel alive when I make my enemies suffer before killing them,make them beg for their lives.

To be continue~~~

Thanks to all who still support this story :) and Heartfixer_03 thank you :)

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