Part 14:

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Third Person Pov

"So your highly prince what would you do now as your father declare a war for his position"-Bryan fret at Alexander but Alexander just remain silent.

There inside their private room now,Alexander,Bryan,Marlon and Kola.The three mafia lords are best friends and you can include Kola.Who could ever thought that these people trusted each other despite of fighting for the crown,well they are not interested to the position except for Alexander that have his reason why.

"Shut it up Bryan or you'll meet the wrath of Xander"-Marlon rebuke Bryan but the truth is his about to laugh.

They fake a cough when they feel that Alexander is shooting death glare at them.

"Hey! Kola don't act so serious at there,no ones around so join us,you ass"-Bryan called at him,Kola just hiss and sat down in front of them,then he grab a glass of whisky and drink it.

Here's the fact between the four,they're not that evil as everyone know but only for the people they care about.Yes! care about,they're not heartless,they also know how love.Maybe others can't see it because they act that they don't care but the real thing is they are.They just doing it to protect the people they love....their family and the organization.

They are also like those normal people who hang out,got laid some girls and act like they don't care in may what happened,they acted like teenagers even they are in between 23-25 years old...but when they are in mafia world they become heartless and serious.

"You better keep that Dark Angel of yours Xander,everyone knows that she have all about the information of all the mafias in the world...she may also know the hidden secret of our ancestors as she have the disk that we almost die for just to have it on our hand"-Bryan cooly and take a sip in his glass.

"Yeah! the dick head is right,*chuckle*didn't you guys find it amusing...we were there on that day when an anonymous person showed up and grab the disk before we did"-Marlon,the 3 chuckle except for Alexander

"Your right...and it turns out that,that anonymous person is Dark Angel which is Xander's bed lover now"-Bryan said with a joke

"Tsk!"-only reaction of Alexander

"Haha,it was really humiliating...that was the first mission failed of us and I remember how Xander curse that person"-Marlon

"Being the mafia prince is not easy,Master Alexander should never failed in any mission,he should never bring disappointment in our clan...I would never forget that scene"-they were all confuse in what Kola just said,in which part would he never forgot that's on their mind.

Their thought were cut off by a men about there age came in

"What are you doing here!? your not welcome here Steve,so get fuck lost"-Marlon said smugly

"It's that a way of welcoming your future emperor"-he said full of pride that made the 4 irritate.Still they remain calm but their eyebrows are frowning.

"Hahahaha"-they burst in to laughter,yes even Alexander that made the young men really piss.

"Haha that's that a joke"-Marlon ask while laughing,a lines form on the young men forehead that means his already angry.

"No it's not,I'm very sure of it"-young men

"*chuckle*let's see"-Alexander said while grinning and drank the liquor in his glass

"Oh! come on Steve we all know that you can't even defeat me or even Marlon,how can you be assure that you'll win against Alexander?"-Bryan said that made them all grin while Steve almost burst out because of angry.

"You can omit the fact that even you'll use your dirty tricks you still can't when against us"-Marlon,they actually pissing Steve off just make fun of him

"Haha such an ambitious men you are Scott "-Bryan said that made Steve smirk

"Oh! Really*grin* what can you say about yourself.You dreamed my sister but still you didn't get her,you even force her just to be with you but what happened? She rejected you,she hated you and add the mere fact that she's now gone and you'll never see her again and the only thing that you'll remember about her is the word that she will never loved you*smirk*"-Steve,the atmosphere change everyone were so serious.

Bryan run towards him and approve a punch but Marlon and Kola stop him.

"Damn you"-Bryan said while few steps away from Steve and both of his friend stopping him.

"Funny right,you did everything but she never love nor like you"-that made Bryan freeze,those words of Steve hurt Bryan so much not physically but emotionally.He love her so much,he make her his world but for exchange she gave him heartache.

"Sorry for being disrespectful but you shouldn't be here Mr.Scott"-Kola speak up as he stand up.

"*grin*okay! then your future emperor now leave"-he said while spreading his arms then he turn and leave.

When the door shut,they made their way back to their sit while assisting Bryan and tapping his back for comfort

"Don't let him affect you"-Kola

"Right! you shouldn't show him weakness"-Marlon and they say down.

"Just don't mind him"-Alexander said and Bryan just nod and remain quiet,they all know what happened to Bryan and his first love,they even see all the effort of his just so the girl would like him.

And the most painful thing that happened to Bryan is the day the girl died and only leaving Bryan her words that made his world stop and wreck.

Bryan Pov


"I hate you,I hate you so much...How I wish you didn't exist,your a pest in my life"-and with that she turn her back at me,ridiculous I just beg for her love again but yet she just turn her back at me.But still I'm willing to do everything for her.

End of flashback~

I maybe an idiot but still I want her,I want her love but its to late she's gone she will never coming back.

Years pass but still everything were still fresh in my mind,I hate myself....I didn't do anything to save her.I'm the one who should be blame,she don't deserve to die I am.

I cried everyday because of her death,I fucking miss her so much,I try to convince myself that I already move on but the truth is I'm still hunted by her mis-presence.I became weak that time,I almost cut myself if only my friends wasn't there to stop me.

My enemy attack my weakness days that almost brought down my organization,good thing in that time my friends defend it.Years pass but still I'm acting that I already move on,but now my act just broke.

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