Part 17:

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Third Person Pov

It was quarter to 9:00 in the evening but still the triplet was up inside their room.Tyron were busy finding the information of the Zen Mafia new target in his laptop,Celine were busy examining their new weapon and Caleb were busy looking at his mom's picture...Until they heard footsteps coming near their door and when Tyron check it up.

"It's Auntie Scarlett,she's coming here"-Tyron,Celine immediately hide their weapons and Caleb help her up,while Tyron immediately shut down his system and open a game.Celine and Caleb acted like they were playing some of their toys.

Before Scarlett open the door in front of her,she let out a deep sigh and form a big smile on her face which is fake.As she come in

"Okay kids,it's time to go to bed now,you don't want your mom be angry at you,right? if she finds out your not sleeping"-the 3 nod and went up to their bed.Scarlett red them bed time stories and give them goodnight kiss as what Grim will always do,she then leave them at the thought that their were asleep.As Scarlett went out,the 3 immediately get off from bed and then prepare,their weapons.They know that Zen mafia have a dealing this midnight,that's why their coming again.

"Ready?"-Celine ask,the boys smile

"Ready!"-they said,Celine smirk

"Let's start the killing"-Celine.


It was exactly midnight and the Zen Mafia are having the deal with other mafia.

Scarlett also known as Red the new 'pretend' boss of Zen Mafia are dealing with the Vaughn Mafia with guns in exchange of 5 million dollar and as usual being Red,Scarlett needs to we're her masks again.Scarlett and the others make sure that there's no bluff would happened tonight,as Vaughn Mafia is well known good in handling in business and a man with a one word in dealing.

"$5,000,000?"-the Mr.Dylan the Vaughn Mafia boss asked,Scarlett gesture Luke and Christian to open the case of the money and showed it to the Vaughn.Mr.Dylan smirk

"The gun"-Scarlett asked coldly,Mr.Dylan ordered his man to open the coffins where they hide the weapons.

"Very well,here's your money and well have our guns"-and with that they exchange the deals.

"It's nice having business wi you Mr.Dylan"-Scarlett

"*Smirk*And you to Red"-Scarlett roll her eyes in the way the man look at her,as if he was undressing her.Scarlett was about to leave when Mr.Dylan stop her.

"A minute Red"-Scarlett look at him confusingly but immediately change it with a poker face.Scarlett stayed and listen

"Well I was just thinking if you-"-but Scarlett cut him off

"Don't try to hook up on me,because it won't work,and please be professional"-and with that Scarlett really leaves that please.As well as the triplets who are hiding behind the boxes.They just won't to make sure if the transaction well went well.


"Haha that was really funny"-Ellen laugh out even Christian and Luke.There inside the private room,which they don't know that the 3 put some cameras,well all over the headquarter and the house actually.The 3 were stealing,well not actually stealing more like burrowing some stuff of them,which the 3 use as their gadgets and weapons,they won't notice it because Ty controls every system they're using in short some stuff they know are bluffs.

"Pfft! Yeah! It is hahaha"-and the 3 of them laugh that made Scarlett even more piss off.She glare at the 3,

"Pfftt! Okay,okay well stop"-Ellen said but then she burst to laughter

"Haha but really he ask you out during the transaction haha"-and with that Scarlett grab her gun and release one bullet that made then stop now.

"Shut up!"-Scarlett said

"Next week we'll enter the Mafia Ball,so better prepare everything"-Scarlett then stand up and leave the 3 with a fret face.


It was 2:36 in the morning but still Grim is awake but also half sleepy,she can't help thinking about her children and their father,she miss them so much.Minutes pass by and Grim started to get drowsy,until she finally close her eyes,but before darkness swallow her she heard the doors open and something getting close to her,but she didn't bother maybe it was just the maid.A dream was about to start when suddenly the other side of the bed dump and that made Grim aware,she was about to move when a hand from behind hug her and a familiar scent nourish upon her nose,she was about to say something but she was cut off

"Shh! Sleep now"-and that person gave her a kiss on her forehead and nuzzle his face on Grim's neck and sniff her scent.Grim smile and hold the hand on her stomach

"Good night Alexander"-Grim said and finally went to sleep,Alexander hug her even more

"Goodnight Grim,my Dark Angel"-Alexander said and gave a peck on Grim's neck,but Grim didn't hear it because she was fully asleep.

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