Broken Arm

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💥**QUICK LIKE SUPER QUICK A/N: with the pic...just imagine him with a broken arm**💥

You dropped the phone, time seemed to stop. Bella, Thomas' girlfriend, just called saying Thomas was in the hospital because of a motorcycle accident.

You had a bad feeling about today, but you didn't know it would end up putting your best friend in the hospital.

You ran out of your apartment and into your car, but as you were going to start the engine your phone buzzed. It was a text from Bella:

BELLA: He only has a broken arm thank God!
You: omg...can I still come?
BELLA: of course! You are his best friend he needs your FRIENDship
You: ok I will be there as soon as I can

You wondered why she capatilized the friend part in friendship. You had a mini crush on Thomas, but nothing more than that. You never showed any sigan of a crush towards him-especially when the two of you were with Bella.

Thomas was going to have a cast, you thought as you drove. You stopped at a CVS and bought some markers to decorate the cast. You also got some sharpies so you and Bella could sign.

Once you arrived at the hospital you asked the nurse which room he was staying in and she replied with room 250. Ironic, you thought. You opened the door and there stood Bella and the nurse. Thomas was lying in bed and he looked quite grumpy, but who wouldn't be after they just broke their arm?

The nurse said,

"Only one visitor at a time."

Bella looked at you and nodded, signaling she would leave.

"Thomas" you said.

"Yeah I know, I shouldn't have been on my motor bye lada la la da" he says sarcastically.

"Fine I won't decorate your cast" you turn to leave but he whines.

"Come here bestie and decorate my cast." you turn and smile widely at him.

On his cast you drew a tiny monster on a beach. He laughed and you smiled because you knew how it would make him giggle.

After about two minutes, Thomas threw a marker at you and it drew a blue line across your forehead. Thomas laughed even more, but soon stopped when you threw a green marker on his white shirt. You thought he would get back at you, but surprisingly he just lied down and laughed his buttocks off.

"Thanks for coming Y/N"

"No problem, now after being nice to you...YOU IDIOT WHY DID YOU GO OUT TODAY, YOU COULD HAVE AVOIDED IT!"

Thomas had a glum expression.

"It could have happened any day."

You felt guilty, he already feels bad, and there you were making him feel even worse.

"I'm sorry. It's just...if something worse than a broken arm had happened to you, I don't know what I would do. You have been my best friend forever and yeah." At this point, you were tearing up.

Thomas sat up straight and gave you a tight hug. You hugged back, feeling comfortable in his arms. You couldn't help but feel the butterflies forming in your stomach, it has to stop. He was with Bella.

You pulled away and smiled. Thomas looked at you strangely, and for a second you thought that he knew it was fake, until he looked away.

For another fifteen minutes the two of you goofed off and continued to talk. Until Bella came in signaling that they (Thomas and her) had to go. You collected your stuff and went outside with Bella.

"Hey Bells"

"Hi," she replied solemnly, "what did you do to make him laugh, I was there the whole time and then you come and make him laugh"

You felt the tension and wanted to leave right away, but that would seem rude.

"I just drew on his cast, you can sign it now" you said, starting to turn to walk away. But Thomas interrupted you,

"Y/N! Thanks for coming!" he said coming up to hug you, you hugged back and then let go.

--Time Skip--

You got home, you sat on the living room couch wondering what you and Thomas could have been if the two of you didn't go to the coffee shop where they met. Nothing probably would have happened, but you wondered. Eventually, you drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of the events that happened earlier today.

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now