My Friend's New Boyfriend

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A/N- hey guys!! I would just like to thank you for 5K+ reads!! I can't believe it's gotten this far :) and I started a book of quotes if ya guys wanna check that out

Y/F/N- your friends name.


"Hey Y/N" Thomas said as he walked up to you.

"Hello Tom" you replied back.

"Can you do me a really big favor?" Thomas asked. He was rubbing the back of his neck, while blushing.

'He must really be nervous', you thought. You and Thomas had been best friends since the first grade, he never got nervous unless it meant a lot to him.


"Can set me up with

Your heart sunk. You had started to develop feelings for Thomas, but never told him in fear of ruining your friendship. This just sealed the deal that he never liked you.

"Uhm...yea anything for you." You could barely choke out the words. Smiling a fake smile you said, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

He nodded.

You couldn't stop the tears that were falling. It was almost impossible. Other girls walked in and heard your sniffling. They commented rude thoughts, which didn't help the situation.

But you still had to get out of the bathroom or else Thomas would start to think. Maybe he didn't care about you anymore and only for Y/F/N.

You felt like going into the bathroom again. But you made your way to Thomas. He was with Y/F/N.

"Guess you didn't need my help after all." You smirked, but wanted to growl out the words.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around Y/F/N and said, "Thanks for still wanting to help though, you really are my best friend."

"N-no p-problem," you stuttered out, "well I'm gonna be going to class"

Thomas perked up, "Do you want me to come with you?"

It was your turn to perk up, but when you saw Y/F/N, she had a hint of a frown on her face.

"Uh no it's okay"

"Okay, bye Y/N" Thomas said as he was getting dragged away by Y/F/N.


You were walking down the street with

"How are things with you and Thomas?" You asked her.

"Things aren't going very well" she sighed.


"Yea I think he likes somebody else now." She said. Your heart skipped a beat and you knew you shouldn't be thinking like that.

"Do you have an idea of who?"

"No, I just have this feeling...Hey! You're his best friend! Maybe he would tell you." She grimaced.

"And what if you don't like the truth?"

"Then I'll deal with it."

"Okay Y/F/N, okay" you breathed out.


You knocked on Thomas' door, Ava, his sister answered.

"Hey Y/N"

"Hey Ava, um is Thomas home?"

She smirked, "I'm here to ya know."

You smiled but made your way up to his room.

Thomas didn't even notice when you came in, he was on his phone. You ran to his bed and jumped on him.

"GET OFF THE PHONE THOOOOOOMAS!" you screamed. Thomas looked at you stunned until the both of you started to laugh.

"I'm off it, but you're not off me." You slid off Thomas and sat down next to him.

"Ok. Down to business now," You said with a serious face, "what's going on with you and Y/F/N?"

Thomas sighed, "I don't know, I just kind of fell in love with some one else"

"Have you told her"

Thomas clasped his hands together, "No"

"Thomas! You're slowly breaking her heart."

"What about you?"

"What?" You said. Utterly confused with Thomas. Why would he ask that.

"What about me?" You continued.

"I've been breaking your heart for the past two years." said Thomas

You felt yourself trapped, you started to sweat.

"H-how did you know? Who told you?"

"C'mon Y/N. I'm still your best friend. I know you."

You didn't notice that you stood up and were leaning against his bedroom wall. He got up from his bed and stood in front of you.

"You're wrong" you said. Trying to sound persuasive.

"Then why did you say 'how did you know'?" He smirked his lips hovering over yours, his British accent thick.

"Dammit Thomas." you said.

He kissed you, and you kissed back. You tangled your fingers in his hair. Y/F/N's image popped into your head. Horrible friend. You pushed Thomas away.


"I'm breaking up with her for you."

"Nope. Not for me. She's my friend and she will get hurt. I'm not just gonna go to you with her hurt."

You ran your fingers through your hair in frustration. Thomas hugged you, he always knew how to be comforting. It was a guilty pleasure that he could calm you down.

You pulled away hesitantly and ran home, ignoring Thomas' calls and messages.

You found out on Monday that he broke up with Y/F/N. It was because of you.

You were with Y/F/N when she needed a shoulder to cry on or when she needed to rant. However, the thought of Thomas' lips on yours never left your mind.

You would occasionally touch your lips subconsiously, wondering what would have happened if you told Thomas about your feelings towards him two years ago.

Things may have been different, but there's no changing that now.

Thomas Brodie Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now