Chapter 4 - Bast Astra Part Four

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Chapter 4 - Bast Astra Part Four

At this time of pure horror to the Astra Clan, what was young Bast doing? Why, as far as one could tell, nothing much. He had just gotten a book from the forbidden section of the Astra's library, the centuries old contents of which were yet unknown. He contently sat on the grass just on the edge of the Lake Selenia, blowing off the dust of the hard cover of the book, making the small fairies cough uncontrollably. After the terrible smoke of dust had disappeared, the words carved on the cover were soon clear. Did that somehow rhyme...? Ahem. Anyway...The mysterious words were written in an elven language so old there weren't many who could actually tell it's contents. But, as you may have noticed through the progression of this terrible- epic tale, Bast was anything but normal.

Remember that terrified old man who found Bast's small surprise, which consisted of a destroyed- slightly messy library? Well, that very man, who is currently almost fainting at the thought of what could happen with the disappearance of Bast on such a day, is none other than Bast's Grandfather. And what, you may ask, is the connection? It is actually very simple. You see, the very man who is distressed at what Bast had done and could do, was the man who gave him the tools to do so. Yes, he had taught him the language! Not only so, but told the rumors of the lake and of what the book held. It all happened when Bast was at the sweet and hopefully innocent age of seven. He had already become an ever smiling boy, pretending- being cute and innocent.

“Grandpa, what does this say?” The little elf looked up through his soft blonde bangs to look at his grandpa with big, curious azure eyes. His smile was oddly in place on his delicate, yet childish features. In his small hands he held the same book he held that day at the lake.

Seeing the old thing, the old man's eyes gleamed suddenly. “Why, that is a very old, ancient book, written in a very ancient elven language. How did you find it?” Even though his eyes gleamed in an unreadable way, his eyes were also wide in shock. He wasn't surprised the boy, who had always been very agile, had been able to get it from all the way up the ladder. He was surprised the boy had even seen it. Old and ancient books such as that one were anything but ordinary, a strange magic attached to it. Any normal person wouldn't notice it even if it were right before their very eyes. Yet, the young elf had seen it, and picked it up from it's high reaches. The old man felt exited, but shocked. Maybe he was the one...

And as he thought so, he committed the mistake which brought the current state of affairs. The one who could see the book was one who had the power to use it's contents, to understand its very depth. Having his own grandson have the same talent he had found himself to have, he happily taught the young one all he needed to know about the language. That way, when the day came, he could open it and learn its knowledge. And that day had, unfortunately, come.

Yes, and that very day just so happened to be the day the Earth Goddess Damiast descended to bless the earth with fertility. The day no one should leave the vicinity of the big elder tree, the day the memory of the book brought him away from it. He flipped through it's old yellowing pages, azure eyes gleaming, grin wide. Finally, he stopped on a certain page, the page which oddly talked about the very same lake he was now facing.

But, before he had the opportunity to any more, my favorite part came. The part even you, dear reader, was excitedly expecting as I am sure. I shall explain in detail every second of what then happened. To tell the truth, it all started beautifully and magically, a sight to wonder at.

The glowing lake seemed to glow ever more brightly, a slight disturbance emerging from the white image of the full moon on it's surface. The disturbance grew nearer and nearer as it seemed to come form within the lake, though its surface remained smooth and clear. Then, an image grew clear amidst it – a form, so beautiful it didn't seem to be of even this world of heavenly beings. This was no being of such level after all.

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