(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eevntful Path Part Five

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The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path

Part Five

The air was heavy, the smell putrid, and the noise chaotic. Amidst the un-noble fighting, a group of men stood surrounding a girl. Now looking about sixteen instead of twelve, she pulled herself up, hair covering her face, arms seeming limp in front of her. Red eyes looked past the pink strings of hair, staring directly at the man before her. “W-What?” He asked, starting back.

A huge, eerie grin broke out on her face. “…’what?’ you ask?...huhuhu….What?!” The voice seemed to snap together with some hidden anger, her head snapping up with it, hair flying messily. “You %&%¤#&&/%/!” The limp arms were now full of strength as they reached forward with sharp nails, the curses, censored for your precious eyes, going on and on as she reverted the previous scene, chasing after the group who had previously bullied her, now running as tears streamed from their eyes. “I’m sorry!”

The room grew more and more into the perfect picture of chaos, Bast slaying man after man, Bellatrix chasing after a group that seemed to mysteriously grow, the rest just fighting with all they had, and Ryuu…quietly reading at my side. The cemented ground was full of blood already, caused by many moves. My eyes seemed to dance in their sockets, going from place to place, scene to scene, capturing certain moments.

Would you like to see? Be careful to catch up. Ah, there goes a flying kick into someone’s face, causing their eyes to almost explode from their sockets, and there goes nails into flesh, causing a shrieking sound to kill, there goes a slash of Bast’s sword…Nah, let’s ignore him. There goes…a shameless man with blue hair still pretending to be dead, his eyes twitching closed. Oh! But there! Now that was amazing. With a sudden blast of icy cold air, a man that was previously running in my direction was thrown backwards, becoming a cold stone.

Ryuu had managed to see him even while reading, simply lifting his hand without bringing his eyes from the page, drawing the symbols in the air, before blasting the horrid creature before it reached me. Thank you, Ryuu. Here, everyone can see my gratitude, as I had really been too taken by the scene to notice. It was simply too different to me, nothing like I had ever seen, not that I liked it even then. But, I was mesmerized by how each punch, each nail, each strike, each trickle of blood, caused the wall of blue light that emerged from the magic circle to be tainted with droplets of glowing red, all the while the rude, horrid cheering grew louder, more rowdy, as even the spectators seemed to be fighting in their seats.

And then…I saw him. In a curtained box placed above the spectator’s seats, the man stood staring down his nose at all the chaos, his leathered, forced smile no longer there as he noticed the mess, how everything, not only the lives of innocents, were being destroyed. Holes in the ground, seats, fires, iced people, screams of terror. I imagined it had not always been in this much of a chaotic state. He knew that even he could not control the situation now, and it was too messy to even consider bets. Who knew who was dying? Where would his profits go?

Knowing the police would not be able to tolerate the situation now that it had gotten so out of hand, and feeling he did not want to lose even more money tonight by bribing, he turned away, prepared to leave.

I had, at that point, tolerated much more than I was used to all in one day. Watching that horrible man running from the situation had been the cherry on top. It was time to interfere.

So, I started calculating the minimum required power, height, note, and all to make everyone pass out, but no blood appear anywhere. There was enough of that already. Red numbers passed through my eyes rapidly as calculations were made. This magic was actually much more complex than what was thought. You didn’t just “scream.” Though really, you could. It would be totally out of control…it would be…perfect. Immediately, I stopped the calculations, the numbers disappearing.

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