Chapter 9 - Ryuu Sin Part One

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Chapter 9 – Ryuu Sin Part One

In a land of death, a part of the world enveloped in a red gloom and unbearable heat, an expansion of nothing but burning hot black rocks that stretch far into the blazing horizon – The End of the World. The only living creatures to habituate this land of pure horror were the dragons that soared in the sky, their large, bat-like wings creating winds so harsh the land shook in their wake as they went up and down, the red sun gleaming behind them in the far horizon.

Every once and a while a dragon would land on a huge flat, yet slightly tilted rock, the earth shaking under its mighty form. The red, scaled nostrils would flare up as it sniffed the small opening in the ground, one so small and inconspicuous among the other rocks you would normally not see it. The dragon's large, almost snake-like red eyes would try to look inside the dark little hole which was the opening to a cave, the size big enough for an average sized person to go through. But, the dragon couldn't. And so, even though it had found the foul- lovely smell of living creatures coming from inside, and the faint sound of voices would drift towards its mighty pointy red ears, with a last exasperated huff, it would lift its wings far up into the air, its mighty form magically lifting upwards even with its incredible weight.

But, we are no dragons. We can pass through the entrance to the cave, and we can see the horror- beauty of what laid inside. As we go further and further into the rocky cave, following a path of dried up dirt that cracks under our feet, we can then see the horrible- mighty scene.

Idalia was a decent place to live in. Anjelicas, an ugly- beautiful race, lived there for centuries, in isolation from the world. No one knows if it was because their constitution demanded the coolness of the earth under a blazing sun that was as dry as could be, the dust magically lifting the spirits of all, or that they were so annoying there was no other place in the world that allowed them a place to live. Either way, they did live there now, and that is all that matters at the moment.

As we enter the scene, we can see a day like any other for the anjelicas: Immediately the bustling of life fills your ears. The cave opened up into a large expanse. Little tattered- cute stalls with roofs of red fabric filled the dirty- soft earth street on either side. It went on endlessly into the darkness of what the eyes couldn't see, the only light coming from the torches that were held onto the rocky walls in an amateur- special way.

I know what you are thinking, dear reader: “All this dragging on about useless information...Is the next character really that dreadful?” Well, that is a difficult question. A question I would prefer not to answer at the moment as said person is, like any of the others to be heroes in this tale, sitting by me, reading what I write. As I have no intention of getting into a fight with him, I shall only tell you this: he is fine as long as you don't piss him off. What? You want me to be more specific? Then don't steal or damage his books, and never interrupt his reading. That should do for most of the time. The other ten percent of the time...Well, you'll just have to manage yourself.

It would actually please me far more to talk about him than his race, the anjelicas, something that seems to please him, as a small, almost indistinguishable smile has appeared on his lips. It is improvement. And what have I done now! His expression is gone once more...

Ahem! Anyway, ignoring the enigmatic boy who even makes my mind wonder, an incredible feat in itself, I shall move on to give a very brief description of the anjelicas. Anjelicas were once like any other heavenly race. They were a sub-group of angels, and were known for their light shiny hair and warm hazel eyes. Their grace was not on par with that of elves on land, but in the air their white wings would give them a flight so light and beautiful it looked as if they danced amidst the beautiful blue...And once more I'm forced to write about things I do not like. What? You don't understand why? Well, if you knew what they were like today, you most certainly would! You see, the anjelicas may be heavenly beings, but they are fallen. They have diverted from the path of light, and now prefer dusty dark places under the earth, where no sunlight hits, and where their wings cannot fly freely. Because of this, most anjelicas don't even know how to make their wings appear, yet alone fly!

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