9: The Favor

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Dipper's POV

Where is she?

I saw her going into the attic, then she went downstairs. We agreed to stay close to each other, she could have at least told me where she was going! I know she didn't forget the conversation because it was only 1 minute ago! I walked downstairs to get some food. Maybe Mabel just went outside with Soos.

"Hey Grunkle Stan," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey kid, did you sleep well?" He asked. I really didn't want to answer that but I was happy that he cared. He doesn't do that very often, even to Mabel.

"Yeah, I guess" I replied. I didn't want to lie to him entirely.

"Have you see Mabel?"

"She said she was going out with friends or something I think." He replies as I grabbed a bag of Chipackerz. It's not a good breakfast choice but I wanted something quick to eat.

"Oh okay. Thanks Grunkle Stan." I said, leaving the kitchen.

That's weird, I thought. She usually tells me when going to meet with Candy and Grenda.

She usually tells me about everything they planned to do together. I never really listened but at least I knew where she was going. I decided to head towards the town. It's a small town so I'd probably see her there unless they're in someone's house. I just really need some fresh air. I feel like I'm being suffocated by stress. I put the Chipackerz in my backpack just incase I get hungry later and walk out. Instead of following the road I decide to go to town through the forest since it's faster. The Mystery Shack is pretty deep into the forest if you walk there.

The deeper I walk into the forest, the deeper I sink into my thoughts. I have a lot going on. I try to avoid the most stressful thoughts like... Ugh I can't even say his name.

"Well that's not very nice."

"Who's there?" I ask


It sounded like it was in my head but that would be weird if I didn't think it.

Or did I?


I continue walking. I notice how this forest is filled with Pine trees.

I wonder why He calls me Pine Tree...


I need to think of something else right now. I slide my hands into the pockets of my vest and continue to quietly walk down this forest path.

Mabel's POV

I've been walking for a while and I'm starting to think I should go back.

"Keep walking, take a right."

"Who's there?" I ask.


It must be Bill. The voice sounded just like the one from when I woke up. I decided to listen to the voice and take a right.

After a while of walking in the same direction, I start to feel like Dipper and I haven't been in this part of the forest. I usually don't remember anywhere in the forest but this place feels... different. Right when I started to feel I should turn back, the few colors that cover the forest disappear, turning my surroundings black and white. As that happened, I think my heart skipped a beat.

This isn't going I end well. I thought to myself as His laughter was heard.

"Oh, Shooting Star, for a second I thought you weren't going to come!" He said.

Yeah, right. I thought to myself.

"Can we just get this over with?" I snap at him. Just thinking about him makes me furious.

He didn't seem to like my comment very much, but he didn't do anything about it, just continued.

"Well, the favor, I can't explain to you but I'm sure you'll figure it out. Let's just put it this way: You might make it, you might not." Bill explained.

"What?! No! Wait, wait, wait!" I yelled stepping back, but he ignored me. He lifted up his hands into the air and I began to float. Thin yellow strands of light began float around me and go towards him. He collected the light, and the more he absorbed, the brighter he got. The brighter he got, the weaker I felt. I couldn't hear, and my vision was blurred with tears. It hurt. I don't know if I was screaming or moving, I couldn't feel anything. I just wanted to die. It was horrible. Suddenly, I could see an extremely bright light flash in my eyes and I blacked out.

Dipper's POV

I was calmly walking, I was almost into town. I was walking slowly, I didn't really want to go into town, I enjoy the company of the quiet trees in the forest. Back in California we only have beaches. There are forests, but the Gravity Falls forest seems special to me. It's definitely different, but the feel of it makes me happy. Well sometimes 'cause you know... Usually when I come in the forest I'm about to die so... Yeah other than that it makes me happy.

My thoughts were disturbed by the sound of a scream.  I looked around. I couldn't tell who it was but I knew I needed to do something. I spinned around trying to find where the voice was coming from.


Oh no.

"Mabel!" I yell as loud as I can, running towards the screams.

"I'm sorry, Dipper!"

Definitely Mabel. I don't know what has happening to her but I felt like crying. She sounded like she was in so much pain.

"Mabel! Where are you?!" I yell, standing in the middle of the forest, looking around.

A light flashes in front of me and my surroundings lose its color. I turn around and see a Mabel, floating in the air as these strands of light shoot out of her slowly. I look to see where the light is going and I see Bill glowing so bright it hurt my eyes. Suddenly it's light flashed as bright as the sun and I covered my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, everything had regained its color. A man with a triangular eyepatch, a cane, a top hat, and golden blonde hair. He has yellow shirt that flows into a trench coat design at the waist and it has a brick design. 

Is that Bill?

I suddenly became very dizzy, and lost my balance. Just before my vision blurred, I saw that in his hand,

was an unconscious Mabel.

"Sleep tight, Pine Tree." He said with a laugh, and he disappeared with a snap.

Yep, definitely Bill. I thought to myself as I felt like throwing up.

Bill obviously has a problem because I fall to my knees and collapse to the ground, and I black out... again.

LE GASP! What's going to happen next?!?! I have no idea. You're just going to have to wait till the next chapter *evil laugh* k bye have the day you deserve. Get it cuz like if u deserve a good day then have one and if u don't then don't have one yeah I'm soooo clever ok bye

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