11: The Rift

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Ford's POV

She's probably at the temple...


It's too early why would he need her?

"Grunkle Ford! Grunkle Ford!" I heard Dipper running out of the elevator to show me something. In his hand was a newspaper

He held it up to me and I read it.

Gideon Gleeful Missing.

The article was about no tracks or evidence of how he had escaped the jail.

"Could it be Bill?" Dipper asked.

"There's no other solution. Besides, that's probably why Mabel's gone. But what could Gideon possibly have that Bill would want?"

"Maybe he's using him." He suggested

"Probably," I agreed. It seemed like the most reasonable theory.

"Do you have any idea of where they are?" He asked.

"I- Yes. I think so." I didn't want to tell them about this yet but it seems the time has come. "There is a place that is sort of like a temple. He uses it to collect the Ten Symbols. Once he succeeds in his plans, the temple teleports the symbols that have been collected into these... bubbles.. That surround the town. Once the Ten Symbols are collected, it will create a barrier in between the whole world and this town, since the rift will open here. It prevents anything from going in and out unless Bill allows it. So pretty much anyone who can stop the rift won't be able to enter. Even the Time Baby can't get in, who has the power to imprison Bill for his criminal acts of messing with Time with the rift." I explained.

Dipper seemed like he had trouble processing this information...

"I got it! He's using Gideon to help him collect the Ten Symbols, then once he collects all nine he'll betray Gideon!" Dipper said. I stand corrected. He wasn't processing he was thinking. I can't believe how fast he thought of that.

"Wow, nice thinking, Dipper!" I said and he smiled proudly.

"But what I don't get is what's his plan to get the rift?"

Third Person POV

"I think your about to find out, Pine Tree!" Said a voice, laughing.


His laughter filled the room.

Is that seriously the only entrance idea he has? Laughing? Like seriously what's so funny? Dipper thought.

"How do you like my new form, Fordsy?" He said as he appeared, upside down, in front of Ford's face. "People don't seem to take my other form too seriously. Besides with this physical form I'm able to do so much more, like this!" He says as he teleports Dipper and he's dangling from Bill's grip on his arm.

"Let go of me!" Dipper yelled, struggling. "Give me
my sister back!"

"No can do, Dipper Pines! I made a deal with my good ol' pal Gideon. Believe me when I say I wasn't planning on kidnaping her. But I'm sure we all know I can't betray Gideon." He said, angrily staring at Dipper. He must have heard the conversation.

"This physical form is really doing me some good. It's all thanks to Mabel. Which is why I really can't hurt Dipper right now. A deal's a deal, after all." He says, dropping Dipper to the ground.

"Ow! Well I think you just broke it!" He said angrily.

"Oh toughen up, kid." Bill said.

"What do you want, Bill?" Ford asked.

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