12: Shooting Star

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Mabel's POV


I opened the wall thingy because turns out it blocks air from coming in and out. That's probably why Gideon didn't come in here and stop me or whatever. I'd rather die than be here, but I have hope. I need to stay positive!

It was so boring in here. Bill could have at least gotten me a knitting kit, then I would have something entertaining to do. I looked down at the sweater I was wearing. I was wearing the Shooting Star sweater, but when I got here I was wearing a different one. I'm not sure how this one got here. I was wearing this one, but I had at least three more sweaters on top. (Yes, I do wear layers don't judge me!) I wish I had those three extra layers because it's freezing!

"Gideon" I called with a complaining voice.

"Yes, darlin'?" He replied. I couldn't see him, but his voice echoed through the room.

"I'm hungry." I complained.

"Ok I-"

"I'm bored." I cut him off.


"I'm tired."

"Ok I-"

"I'm cold."

"OKAY!" He raised his voice. "I don't have access to these things but when Bill comes back I'll definitely ask him."

"Don't you think that he trusted you, he would give you access to these things? Like for example, why wouldn't you have access to giving me food? I'm here to be yours, not his, right?"

"Bill does trust me! He trusts me with everything!"

"Then why don't you have access?"

"I-it's a complicated situation!"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"Ask me WHAT?" Bill said as he appeared right in front of me, red and angry.

"I-I.. I wa-"

"STOP." His voice echoed through the room and it was deeper than usual. He turned to Gideon.

"Anything you need to tell me, Gideon?" Bill asked, floating towards him.

"N-no, Bill I was just talkin' to my sweet Mabel." He replied, nervously trying to act innocent. I think I figured out his "complicated situation" is actually just him being scared of Bill. I can see why, though. I couldn't even say anything other than "I."

Suddenly Bill turned to his normal yellow color, and said, "Good news, Gideon, I got the rift!" He lifted a glass ball with some weird swirly stuff in it. It reminded me of that weird place in my dream with Bill.

"Oh, joy!" Gideon replied.

"What's that?" I asked. I couldn't help myself.

Well goodbye life. I thought to myself. Ugh! Why did I ask that! My curiosity got the best of me, I guess.

Bill turned to me with an evil smirk on his face.

"They didn't tell you, did they?" He asked.


"Well, Ford and Dipper, of course!"

"N-no?" I was completely confused.

"This thing?" He said tapping the glass, "is the reason the world is now going to be mine. Your Great Uncle who 'trusts' you so much only told Dipper, and promised not to tell anyone. Even you." When he said that last part, he teleported right in front of me again and pointed at me. I would have freaked out, but I was so confused.

"Did they give it to you?"

"Well I guess you could say that. Pine Tree wasn't too happy about it."

"What'd you do to him? We had a deal!"

"Oh nothing bad, I wouldn't worry about it. He's fine. Just really mad. That kid needs to calm down."

"I wonder why." I replied sarcastically.

"Anyways, I have some very important business to attend! I've been waiting for trillions of centuries and today is the big day I've been waiting for! None of you weak Pines can stop me now!" He laughed like a complete maniac and disappeared, leaving me with complete shock.

He's trying to trick me into hating Ford and Dipper for not trusting me. I have to have a talk with them, but that's no reason to hate them. That's what Bill wants. What I need to focus on now is to get out of here.

"Gideon, if you love me, then why am I in a cage?"

"Oh darling you don't love me back, you'll just run away and ruin our plans. We can't have that now can we?"

"I do love you, Gideon." I cringed at the words. "But I'm doubting it now. Why would someone who loves me destroy everything I love and keep me in a cage!"

"Well I guess the least I could do is let you have a real room..."

"Oh Gideon that would be so great!"

Hehe in your dreams.

"Oh well alright, I'll give you a tour of the place until Bill comes back."

"Thank you." I replied as he opened the electrocuting wall thingy and let me out.

He's so gullible!

Is it bad that I feel good about doing this?

Nah. He's the one who kidnapped me. Now that's crazy.

Good plan, Mabel.

Thanks, Mabel.

No prob., Mabel!

Wow I really like me.

I walked with Gideon thought the dark hallway that led out my cage area. It was really long and barely any light. Gideon was blabbing on about something while I was looking around for an escape.

"So tell me about this place's security and stuff, I'm really interested about these things."

Hah. Yeah right.

"Well there's isn't much security. Bill is a demon, after all. Other than me and my boys from prison there's just the keys to every door."

"How can you protect the keys?"

Suddenly, in the middle of the hallway I stepped onto something. It glowed and when I looked down, there was a huge shooting star symbol, just like my sweater.

"Huh?" I looked at Gideon who was stepping back.


That must have been whatever Bill was doing, because it didn't sound like it was coming from in here.

My sweaters' Shooting Star symbol began glowing with the floor symbol. I looked at Gideon who was walking backwards, away from me.

"Perfect timing, Gideon!" Bill's voice echoed through the hallways.

I nervously looked around for answers to whatever was happening.

What's going on?

Without warning, everything flashes into a blinding white light.

I hoped you liked the chapter! I'm going to slow down my updating pace because I have a good idea, but I can't do it until the next episode. So instead of updating daily I'll probably do like every weekend probably idk yet.

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