14: The First Bubble

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Dipper's POV

I finally found someone I knew; Wendy. I may have had a crush on her before the apocalypse, but now all I care about is getting everyone back.

The journals: Gone.

Ford: Gone.

Stan: Who knows?

Mabel: Captured.

The town is in danger, and there's no way I can do his alone.

Maybe we can't do it at all...

I push the thought aside. I just need to focus on getting Mabel back.

"We should probably start searching for Mabel and Stan tomorrow. Let's get some rest for now." Wendy suggests.

"Ok." I wanted to start searching now, but Wendy was right. The thought that Mabel and Stan could be lost, captured or even dead, bothered me, and I needed answers now.

I sat down on my "bed" (also known as a box). On the bright side, at least we have shelter... for now.

I lie down and stare at the ceiling of this awful smelling garage. I haven't been getting much sleep, and now that the apocalypse has started I'm beginning to regret that. No matter how tired I am, sleep isn't something that's rising upon me like I would expect it too.

This is going to be a long night...

--Time Skip--
What a beautiful sound to wake up to. I sarcastically think as the sounds of destruction and screaming fill my ears.

These townspeople- no, the world is probably having trouble taking this in. Just imagine walking outside your home to see a giant wave of madness flowing throughout the streets on a normal day with no explanation.

Maybe if we didn't come to Gravity Falls this summer, the world would be safe...


I can't keep being so paranoid. That probably doesn't sound like something I'd say, but Mabel would.

If she were here.

"Dude, come on, let's get some fresh air." Wendy calls. I climb up to the roof with Wendy and we sit at the edge with cans of Pitt Cola.

We talk about Mabel, and how to get her back. Suddenly, a monster roars and destroys one of the billboards, opening a view straight to a large, pink bubble floating in the air, with a Shooting Star design on it.

Shooting Star.... Oh no.

"The Shooting Star on Mabel's sweater! She's in there, I know it."

Yeah I know, another boring and short chapter, but this is just the beginning (DUN DUN DUUUNNNN) Also I might do a Bill's POV next which is going to be hard but I'll do my best ^u^

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