10: The Cage

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Ford's POV

I step into the elevator. I need more information on Bill. What they told me is not enough to find out what his plan is to destroy the world. When the elevator opened I walked out of the vending machine and into the living room to see Stan, pacing worriedly.

"Ford! Have you seen the kids? It's midnight and they're still not back!" I never noticed it was midnight because I was in the basement all day.

"When did you last see them?" I asked.

"In the morning!" He replied.

"Stay here I'm going-"

"No I'm coming with." he said, cutting me off.

"Fine, just come quick." I said. There was no time to argue with him. I grabbed my laser gun and slid it into the belt of my trench coat. When Stan was ready we walked out and saw Dipper running/limping towards us. He kept falling and running into things. Stan and I just stared at him awkwardly. When he finally reached us he collapsed to the ground.

"Dipper what happened?" I asked, helping him up.

"Bill... Mabel... HUMAN!" He said, panting.

Stan and I carried him inside and put him on the couch. He tried to get up but Stanley didn't let him since he wasn't in a good condition right now.

"Dipper, tell me exactly what happened." I said.

"Okay so I was walking in the forest when I heard Mabel scream so I ran towards the sound and I kept running and I-" He stopped and looked like he was gonna cry. He was also talking pretty fast. "I-I saw her floating in the air and these thin strands of light were coming out of her and being absorbed by Bill and then a huge light flashed and he turned into a human and then I got all dizzy and he took Mabel and disappeared and I fainted!"

"This isn't good." I said.

"NO DUH STANFORD!" Stan yelled sarcastically. "I can't believe some triangle took my niece! Who knows where she could be!"

"I know Stanley, just calm down. We can't save her until we stop Bill. If we just save her he'll just come back again. We just need to think of a plan-"

"What am I gonna tell their parents? We can't even stop that thing without her, remember that wheel thing? Even if she wasn't on it she could help, she's WAY stronger than you think, Stanford!" He yelled, cutting me off.

"Yes, I know-"

"No, you don't know!" He said angrily, then left the room.

I looked at Dipper who wasn't looking too good. He was hugging his knees and staring out the window. This was a tough day for him. For once I didn't know what to do.

Dipper's POV

What did he mean by wheel?

What wheel?

What are they not telling us?



She's gone.

No idea where.

But not anywhere safe, for sure.

I noticed Ford looking at me. I wanted to ask him a question, but after the Grunkles' argument, I didn't really want to.

Just as he got up to leave, I couldn't help my self and asked, "What wheel was Grunkle Stan talking about?"

I still didn't look at him. I continued staring out the window. I heard him walking towards me and sitting down. He pulled out the journal and I looked at the page he had opened. It was the Bill Cipher page. Just looking at the page filled me with anger.

"See this wheel?" He pointed out.


"These symbols represent ten people in Gravity Falls. They all have a special meaning in the town."


After explaining, he got up and left the room. I was kind of glad he did. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I felt caged in from all this stress. From all this fighting.

I just wanted answers.

I wanted to be with Mabel,

My twin sister.

Mabel's POV

I wake up on a hard, cold, stone floor. I have a huge headache and I feel like I don't have any energy to do anything. I roll over onto my stomach and try to pull myself up, but I just fall back down again.

I look around and see there are three walls and a roof that look exactly like the floor. The fourth wall is missing.

That's odd...

About 20 minutes later I gain the energy to stand up and walk.

Everything hurts...

I hold out my hand to where the fourth wall should be and I get a quick shock. It doesn't hurt but it did sting. I shake my hand and try to look at where this weird room is. There's nothing but a hallway. The place outside this cell thing is way cleaner than in here. It's a complete while color and its glowing!If that Dorito is gonna keep me hostage, he should at least have some good hospitality! This place definitely needs a makeover; and a big one too. Also some heaters because this place is freezing!

"Hello?" My voice cracks.

"Oh you're awake!" I hear a voice with a Southern accent say.

Gideon? Oh no. This is worse than Bill!

I go into a corner, it's probably the farthest away from him.

"Hi, darling!" He says as he appears in front of the cell.

"Ugh. You. What do you want from me? And where am I?"

"Bill Cipher explained everything to me, but all you need to know is that you're mine!" He exclaimed. "Don't worry, you got the cleanest cell in the place and it's the only one with a bed and bathroom!"

"Bill Cipher!? You're working with him? Good luck with that. I bet he's just using you." I said.

"No he isn't! We are going to work together, and his plans are going to work!"

"Whatever." I said and looked around the cell. "Hey, I don't see a bathroom."

"Just clap your hands and the bathroom will come."

I clap my hands and the invisible wall is covered and a gross toilet with a candle and a sink appears. I can barely hear Gideon's muffled voice through the wall. I clap my hands again and I see him still standing there.

"Can't you just leave me alone!"

"I'm afraid I can't, sugar plum." Ugh I was sick of these stupid nicknames! "I just can't get you out of my mind. I-"

"Too bad because no matter what you do, I'll never like you! First you almost kill my brother, then you kidnap me and work for that stupid triangle!" I yell at him. Before he can reply I clap my hands and the wall gets covered again. I like this thing.

I think I'll just keep it this way.

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