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Hello my lovely readers! I'd just like to start off this book by introducing myself and the book. I hope you enjoy what I'm writing and if you have any suggestions, feel free to message me and let me know :)

First off I'd like to start with my name, Mack. I have a much longer name but when I write or go on my fan accounts I just go by Mack.

Second I am in love with writing and reading so if you have any constructive criticism, please feel free to guide me to help me become a better writer.

Third is about the book. I have a lot of great things planed for this book and since it'a pre-written I was thinking of updating every Monday wednesday and friday. I may update more than that per week, it all depends on what is going on.

Fourth, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer in this book, though if you don't enjoy this book, simply don't read. You don't have to tell me how bad you think I am at writing.

This whole book will be written in lowercase so if you don't like that I'm terribly sorry.

And sixth, this book and most of its content are by me. If I add in song lyrics, quotes, or pictures I will leave a side note saying I do not own them. This book is copyrighted and all of the names and places are either made up, or based off of real life. Please don't copy my ideas or else you will be forced to take it down yada yada yada.

Anyways now that that's over! Hope you all enjoy my book!

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