•chapter two•

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by the time friday rolls around, i am dreading this stupid thing more than before. i set my dvr to tape blindsided but im still ticked i can't watch it live.

i bound down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a snack. opening the fridge, i note that it's about time to stalk up again. considering the fact that my parents are on a six month business trip in europe, it's my responsibility to make sure the house is stocked up and safe. i grab an apple and sit down at the island as i scroll through my twitter timeline.

a text from lacy pops up saying that she's ready and everyone's over her house and ready to go. i shut off my phone and slip it into my pocket then throw the apple core away. i walk to the door and slip on my chucks and lock up the house.

i have no idea what to expect tonight. usually it's just the other four who go along to whatever lacy has planned, i'm usually the one who turns down the offer and stays home to read or binge watch netflix. though i guess thats what my 'stereotype' is classified as. i honestly enjoy school and reading and keeping to myself most of the time. that's what makes me different from maleana and lacy and even nathan and jake. lacy has been prom queen since freshman year, is on the year book staff, has tons of friends though she is most loyal to maleana and i, it drop dead gorgeous, and a competitive cheerleader for the panthers. maleana is the spunky redhead with fire in her soul. shes up for anything before she even knows whats going to happen. shes spunky and a little harsh at times but completely hilarious once you get to know her. and then theres me. how did i, the quite and timid girl end up with the two most outgoing people as my best friends?

i nock on lacy's front door after i trek across the street to her house. immediately when she opens the door her smile drops.

"what are you wearing?" she motions down to my thin flannel, black leggings and chucks.

"what? you told me to dress cute, this is me being cute!" i say with my arms out and shoulders up a bit. lacy's 5'8 figure towers over myself being only 5'2. she rolls her eyes playfully and pulls me inside of the house.

when i walk in, everyone is lounging in the living room watching the football game as it plays on the plasma tv. the five of us have been the best of friends ever since we were little. our parents went to school together and are best friends so that immediately led to us finding companionship in each other. when i was little and even now im not very comfortable talking to new people. i guess thats why i mainly stick to these four, books and tv shows.

"alright lets hit the road!" jake cheers and everyone jumps up and cheers along.

"yayy." i say pathetically and maleana shoots me a disappointed look before throwing her arm around my shoulder and we all walk out to the car.


a fighting arena. the pit to be exact. the biggest and most illegal fighting arena in the country.

i pause outside of the gate, my eyes wide. the shouts and cheers from inside are audible from out here as we stand in the cold november wind.

"there's no way im going in there. " i protest and cross my arms over my chest. maleana groans and grabs my arm to pull me in but i stand my ground.

"im serious. take me home. "

nathan groans from beside me and lifts me up over his shoulder. i squeal and punch at his back and kick my legs but to no avail.

"no no no!! stop i wanna go home! this place is crawling with men shot up with testosterone, blood, and disease!" i yell as we near the door.

"oh please. " lacy says with the roll of her eyes. she takes jake's hand and leads us into the arena after showing the security a slip of paper.

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