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i watch as the young brown haired girl laughs and plays with the old dog. her bright green eyes that shine like stars reminding me of somebody that i used to know. i've gotten better. i eat regularly, very rarely do i skip meals anymore. it wasn't always this way though.

at the age of twenty two, i adopted the brunette. some say that i saved her from that dreadful home, but in reality she saved me just the same. i was dying, my heart was stone and my hands were cold. i let myself disappear. not wanting to be put through the pity. so i left that dreadful town and moved to the lively city of new york city. i was tired of it always being quiet, allowing my thoughts to consume me. that's when i found here. the little three year old to seems to have a story hidden behind those emeralds.

the other two boys keep in touch even though i try to cut off as much from that dreadful place as i can. lacy and maleana still see me regularly. maleana is living in the apartment next to me with holten. lacy is twenty four and pregnant with condos' child. they got married a year ago.

the little girl runs as fast as her chubby legs will allow her, chasing after the old dog. i look up to the sky, a light snow beginning to fall from the light grey sky. the flakes break through the branches of central park.

"philosophy!" i call out to her. "time to go in!"

the girl runs into my arms and i rest her on my hip, winnie following at my feet as we walk back. as much as i hate to say it, this new life completely blindsided me.


AND THERE YOU HAVE IT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! HOW DID YOU LIKE IT? I TOLD YOU THE NAME WOULD BE IMPORTANT! for the last time, thanks for reading! vote, comment, etc!

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