•chapter sixteen•

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i sit at the island in my kitchen, a warm cup of coffee in my hands, untouched by my pale lips. the tv plays softly in the corner of the kitchen but my gaze is focused on the wall in front of me. i haven't eaten in a week, that's how long it's been since ronan's fighting accident. that's how long it's been since he lied.

"we're sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled television program, but urgent news just came in about a deadly crash that just occurred last night. " my head snaps to the tv and i stand, slowly walking towards it, the cup still in my hands. "last night, one of the most deadliest crashes recorded in virginia occurred last night reguarding a young adult who was new to town. he was ejected from the hospital early yesterday afternoon from causes that are being withheld for the sake of the family. late last night, the young male was driving on the windy virginia backroads, intoxicated. as we know, a snow storm had hit earlier this week, causing the roads to be slippery. the young man's car spun out of control and crashed into a tree. the driver was killed on impact. thank you for tuning in. let our thoughts and prayers be with the kole family this holiday season. "

a straggled cry escapes my lips and my cup descends to the floor, shattering into a million pieces just like my heart.


sorry it's so short. but uh..... yeah..... *sniffs* im sorry. this was the last chapter guys! there will be an epilogue! thanks for reading! vote, comment, etc!

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