•chapter ten•

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"crap," i mutter as i run around my room trying to get everything together so i'm not late to condos'. i throw pillows and blankets to the side on my bed trying to find my black leggings. i could've sworn i just saw them. i already have on my sweater with orange patterns around the neck and around the wrists that comes to my mid thigh. my phone goes off from its place on one of my chairs. i whip around, my mind a blur, there they are! i grab my leggings from the chair and quickly put them on. then i grab my phone and read the messages. one from ronan telling me he's on his way to pick me up and one from my mom. i roll my eyes before putting my phone down and going over to my makeup desk to fix up my makeup and hair. i decided to keep my hair straight, my brown locks almost reaching my waistline. as for makeup i decided to apply concealer, foundation, contour, a bit of eyeliner and mascara. it seems like a lot but it really isn't. i unplug the christmas lights and grab my phone. walking down the stairs with winnie at my feet, i text ronan back letting him know i'm almost ready.

just as i take the casserole i made yesterday out of the fridge, ronan knock once before letting himself in. winnie goes to greet him but still doesn't let him pick her up which i still get a kick out of. he finds his way into the kitchen and when he sees me, his features light up.

"hey princess! you look pretty," his simple complement makes me blush. i have nothing on ronan though. his dark hair is styled messily and his black sweater's sleeves are pushed up to just below his elbow. i'll admit, my feelings for him are growing. i thank him as i wrap the top of the glass tray in tinfoil.

"you ready?"

"yep, i just need to put some shoes on and i'll be good." after saying that i hand ronan the tray and slip on my beige moccasins. then we head out and i lock the door behind us. ronan opens the passenger door for me and i jump into his black porsche. he sets the container on my lap before shutting my door an jogging to the drivers side.

"do you have an AUX chord?" i ask him as we drive down a windy virginia back road.

"not if you're going to play your crappy music." he replies and sneaks a quick glance at me, amused. i fold my arms and raise an eyebrow at him.

"fine," i huff and begin to search. i open up the center consul and dig around some, then the sunglasses compartment, and lastly the glove box. when i open it a gasp comes from my lips and my body grows numb. there, sitting in the piles of fast food receipts, is a black hand gun. ronan quickly reaches over and slams the compartment shut. i look up at him, wide eyed and sick to my stomach. his jaw is set firm and his knuckles are turning white from his grip on the steering wheel. for some odd reason my clenched stomach relaxes and my face rests. i know that he'd never do anything to hurt me. why should i be worried? he's done nothing but protect me since the day we met. a voice in the back of my head lets me know it's okay to relax. i reach out a still shaky hand towards his rough one, and take it in mine, intertwining our fingers together. he relaxes noticeable and looks over at me. i offer him a comforting smile which he returns. he reaches for something in the compartment next to the steering wheel.

"so uh.. w-why do you have that thing anyway?" i let out the shaky question.

"there are a lot of cruel people out there kid. some of which are out for blood. mine to be exact. " his statement comes out calm but his clenched jaw suggests otherwise.


"hey! glad you guys could make it!" a smiling condos greets ronan and i at the front door. he accepts the casserole with thanks and lets us in.

i am immediately hit with the scent of everything you'd imagine thanksgiving smell like. ronan and i walk into the living room and we're greeted by holten and a dark haired girl with caramel skin. ronan hugs her after he greets holten with a man hug. a pang of jealousy courses through me as i realize i've never experienced his warm embrace.

"so this is the beautiful girl i've been hearing so much about?" the girls chocolate eyes find mine, fire and welcoming burning through them. if that made any sense.

"uh-?" i look up to ronan for an explanation but he just smirks down at me.

"i'm bonnie, holten's sister," she offers me her hand kindly. "i've heard a lot about you. "

i immediately feel guilty for feeling jealous of the girl in front of me. i take her hand and give it a shake. "i wish i could say the same for you. " i glance up at ronan and roll my eyes, causing bonnie to laugh.

"you watch football?" she asks as she leads me into the living room, leaving the boys to tend the food. i shake my head.

"not much. "

"well don't worry, you'll be an expert fan of it by the end of today. "

i smile at her, gaining the feeling that we'd become fast friends.


"dinner kiddos!" condos yells from the kitchen. bonnie and i walk into the kitchen as she explains the concept of football to me, condos wearing a 'kiss the cook' apron as he lays out the food. ah, kids.

ronan takes the space next to me and then holten, bonnie and condos across from us. we all look at the amazing food placed before us. this is what i should be thankful for. these few people who excepted me from the moment we met. before everyone could dig in, i stopped them.

"wait, lets give thanks. " i look around at the table and bonnie smiles at me, agreeing. we all join hands around the table, my small hand fitting perfectly in ronan's large one.

during the prayer that holten spoke, i couldn't help but smile. i peek through my lashes at my new friends, family if you would. they've protected me and loved me from the the moment i met them just as family should. and just as i know they would protect me, i would do the same. because we are a broken family bonded not by blood, but by love for each other.


THANKSGIVING IS IN TWO DAYS AHHHHHH thanks for reading! vote, comment, etc!

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