•chapter three•

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*nicolette's house above*

i lay on my bed, stomach down, legs crossed and up in the air at the end of the headboard as i skim over the words of my favorite book, the raven boys. i've read the trilogy at least twenty times and each time i fall in love with it all over again. the thunder rumbles outside, every so often there's a rumble strong enough to rattle the windowpanes. the heavy patter of rain falls on the roof above me, louder than it might be in the living room seeing as my room is in the attic. though its not creepy and dusty like an attic is describes to be. the floors are wooden as well as the walls. though it's everything except creepy and old.

lightning flashes outside of my window illuminating my room better than the christmas lights hanging above my bed. i place a bookmark in my book and rest my chin in my hands. i look over at steele's, who i found out was actually ronan, jacket laying carelessly on one of the two plush white chairs in my lounge area across from my bed. i sigh and furrow my eyebrows, thinking of how things would be at school when he returned from his suspension. he got suspended for two months on the first day of school, for what i have no idea. its been a week since the 'incident' so to say. would it be awkward if i gave it back? or even more awkward if i didn't?

my thoughts were interrupted by banging on my front door. i spring up from my bed and walk down the spiral staircase to the second floor then down the grand staircase to the front door. from the outside our house, or should i say my house since my parents are rarely home due to business, doesn't look that big. the third floor only consists of my room and the second floor consists of a guest room, the master bedroom and two bathrooms. the first floor is where the kitchen and living room are as well as another bathroom.

i unlock the door and open it to reveal a crying lacy and maleana rubbing her back in a comforting manner. concern immediately sweeps over my face as i rush the two inside. they slip off their shoes and we go over to the living room. a fire was already burning inside of the fireplace, so it was nice and cozy.

"what happened?" i question as lacy's sobs echo around the walls.

"j-jake. i think he's ch-cheating on me." she cries even harder and i wrap my arms around her, allowing her to cry into my chest. jake was like that as we were growing up. he'd bounce from girl to girl but when he started dating lacy, he made a promise. lacy has liked jake since middle school and jake had even admitted to liking her too. he tells her all the time that she's his one and only and would never do anything to hurt her. that's what really aggravated me. i pushed my anger to the side and focused on comforting my best friend.

"you know what i think we all need?" i push her shoulders back a little so i can look at her face. "a sixty second girls night. "

maleana grins and lacy smiles through her tears knowingly and maleana runs to the kitchen and punches '60' into the timer.

"ready? set, go!" she shouts and starts the timer. i jump up and run up to my room.

"i got movies!" i call.

"i got snacks!" maleana yells.

"i got blankets and cuddles!" lacy says.

i run over to my mini library and movie stash and pick out some of my favorites; happy thanksgiving charlie brown (dont judge me), the age of adeline, bridesmaids, ferris bulers day off and the breakfast club. i run back down the stairs so fast i almost face plant into the oak floor of the living room.

i grab the first disk and put it into the dvd tray and run to the couch with lacy and the blankets with fifteen seconds to spare.

"I CAN'T FIND ANY SNACKS. WAIT TIME OUT YOU HAVE NO SNACKS!!!" maleana screams and in the background i could hear cupboards and doors opening and slamming closed. lacy and i laugh, tears still streaming down her face a bit.

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