•chapter eleven•

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*outfit on right*

its the tuesday after thanksgiving and school is back in session. obviously being tired and not caring what i look like, im wearing grey sweatpants and ronan's hoodie with my chocolate hair tied up in a messy bun. bonnie and i have been texting a lot and even went out to lunch on sunday.

over the long weekend my feelings defiantly have grown for ronan, and i've finally figured out why i keep pushing them down. i don't want to grow attached to him. his life is fighting. how can i love someone who i don't even know is going to wake up the next morning. did i just say love? ughhh.

i grab my books out of my locker, yawning. staying up until four everyday over break probably wasn't the best idea. but hey, i caught up on a lot of new shows on netflix. i close my locker and begin to head to first period. i haven't seen the boys yet which is good because i look like trash in a life form. though, all good things come to an end.

"well good morning gorgeous!" ronan's deep, melodic voice says from behind me. how is he so cheery? it's eight in the morning. i turn to look at him and groan before turning around and continue to walk.

"well someones happy. " he chuckles. i feel two strong arms wrap around my waist causing by stomach to do flips. i stop and turn in his embrace to face him.

"yes sweetheart?" i sarcastically question him. he gives me an innocent grin before pecking my forehead.

"you look cute today. "

"you look cute today. " i mock him, knowing he's joking unless he's comparing me to one of those hairless dogs. he groans behind me.

"you're killin me smalls. " i smile a little as i walk in front of him, my little legs doing as best as they can to speed down the hallway and through the crowd of people.

"hey hold up a sec i gotta ask you something mrs. sunshine. " they guys have grown used to my grumpy behavior in the morning, saying that it's more adorable than intimidating. idiots. i stop in my tracks and face him. even though he's wearing jeans and a tshirt, he still looks better than more than half of the human population. right behind 5 seconds of summer and the cast of teen wolf of course.

"i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" he nervously scratches the back of his head, absentmindedly making his biceps flex. ronan kole, nervous? this is definitely a new look for him.

"is the ronan kole asking me on a date?" i smirk up at him.

"so is it a yes or not?" he grows impatient. i tap my pointer finger against my chin as if contemplating my answer.

"hmm it depends, where are we going?" i put off the answer to make him more anxious.

"it's a surprise. i'll pick you up at six on friday. " he places a peck on my cheek before walking ahead of me to first period, leaving me motionless in the busy hallway.


"okay so he's taking you out on friday and he didn't even say where?" lacy asks through the phone. i balance it between my ear and my shoulder as i finish my maths homework.

"nope. not even an outfit recommendation. " i say regarding the weather.

"well i think you should dress warm. it has been cold up there right?" i nod my head before realizing she can't see me and quickly say 'yeah'.

"so i think you should wear your light grey leggings with that hoodie with the black and grey tribal print and your green army jacket over that. and for shoes your tan timberland boots. "

leave it to lacy to come with an outfit in literally five seconds. i thank her and we talk for a while more before she has to go 'explore' the pretty city they're staying in.

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