Chapter 21

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Abby's POV

I'm really sad our trip is coming to an end. I do get to see Brooke when I get home, which makes me happy. I still can't believe I haven't seen her in a week, it's felt like forever. We arranged it so some of the guys and Brooke would come pick us up at the airport.

Matt and I decided to spent our last bit of vacation exploring the city. We walked around and found a small cafe. I got a really good chocolate and banana crepe and Matt of course got a bagel. I think that is the only thing I've ever seen him eat for breakfast.

We first went to see the opera house thing and then we walked around town stopping at souvenir shops to buy little gifts for everyone.


"Abby wake up we are home now!"

"I get to see my baby Matt!"

"I know, and I'm so excited!"

It felt like days waiting in the back of the plane for everyone to get their carry on bags and get off of the plane. All I want is to see my daughter, hopefully the guys didn't let her die. Speaking of which, I wonder how she did with the boys. Did they treat her good? Ugh this is killing me.

We got of the plane and got our bags as fast as we could, trying not to be seen by fans if there happened to be any. The whole trip we didn't say anything about going on the trip or post anything on social medias while on the trip. We leave the airport and go into the parking lot. I see the boys van with all of them standing outside with Brooke.

"Brooke!" I scream as loud as I can, probably loud enough for the whole airport to hear.

"Mommy!" Brooke screamed after me. "Daddy."

Brooke ran into my arms and gave me a big hug just like internet friends. I picked her up and spun her around. I'm so happy to be able to see my girl again.

"How's my little sis?"

"Jack!" I ran into his arms. "I missed you, I missed you so much."

Jack is truly like a brother to me. In the beginning we really weren't like this, that doesn't matter to me. It would be a little weird for your best friend to take in a pathetic orphan girl. After a while of getting used to each other we turned into practical siblings.


"Tay bae!"

Taylor and I both started off wrong. And I get that it might have been weird for him, but that's okay. I'm glad to have a guy like him always around me to make me smile.

"Abby come on let's go home you can talk to everyone later Brooke is really tired."

"Okay Matt, I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I haven't seen them all for a week." Matt seemed very angry, which made me angry.


Matt totally lied to me Brooke was no where near tired. She was hyper and practically bouncing off the walls.

"We went to the park and got ice cream and ate lunch and candy and Starbucks and we watched frozen and we got more food and candy and cookies and went to the park and went swimming and play on the trampoline and lots of things and aaaggghhh!"

"Okay, who was in charge of watching Brooke this weekend?"

"Uncle Cameron and uncle Nash!" Brooke screamed more and ran away.

"Cameron and Nash you get your butts in here right now before I kill you."

"What? We are both here."

"What did you do to Brooke?"

"We took her to the park, swimming, the trampoline, Starbucks, out for lunch-"

There was a loud thud. Everyone stopped in the whole house.

"Brooke where are you Brooke!"


I hear faint cries coming from upstairs. I ran up the first flight of nothing. The screams become closer. I ran up the next and final flight of stairs. There is where I find Brooke screaming and crying on the ground.

Out if first instinct I picked her up and ran down the stairs.

"Help someone drive to the hospital. Brooke is hurt. We need to go now."

Brooke was stretched across the back seat of the van with her head in my lap. We lived around 20 minutes away from the hospital. At night it's about 15. Brooke's sobs continued I tried calming her down. Nothing would work.


Double update because why not. Awwwww why did I do this to Brooke. 5sos music is giving me the feels, I'm sitting her listening to their song writing this and crying. Comment your Twitter so we can follow eachother I want to get to know my readers. Please vote and comment. Check out my Twitter hesmyhubby.

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