Chapter 29

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Abby's POV

We had started today's show in Atlanta.  I got to sing sad song, I sang it for Matt. With out him I'm truly a half of a whole. The whole show I see this girl who was catching a few glances from Johnson. I talked to Jack and he was going to make an announcement.

"So we thought for something special tonight we would take a girl from the audience and they get to spend the rest of the day with us." Screams erupted. "Now I'm going to have lets see, Abby pick the person, so she won't just pick pretty girl. So Abby who's it going to be?"

"Um let's see." I stalled a bit to add drama. I stared right into future Mrs. Johnson's eyes. "How about you in the middle with the white shirt and flannel, blonde hair. Come on up."

"So what's your name beautiful?"

"I-I'm Isabelle."

"Now the real question, who's your favorite?"

"Oh, um, Johnson."

"Wow not me okay I see how it is."

Johnson's POV

Oh my god we get to have a fan hang out with us, that is so cool. Hopefully the really beautiful girl I like gets to hang out.

I know I said to the fans I would date a fan. When I met her she wasn't so obsessed with me. She is so beautiful I am totally star struck by a girl I don't even know.

"Um let's see." I stalled a bit to add drama. I stared right into future Mrs. Johnson. "How about you in the middle with the white shirt and flannel, blonde hair. Come on up."

Oh my god Abby picked her. Tonight is going to be amazing.

"Now the real question, who's your favorite?"

"Oh, um, Johnson."

No way on earth is this happening. My jaw is just about at the floor from shock. Dude keep yourself together, don't screw this up.


"Oh my god your Jack Johnson, I can't believe this is happening."

"Hi Isabelle it's nice to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hey come on we are playing truth or dare," announced Taylor.

"You want to play?"

"Yeah that would be fun."

I know someone is going to do something.

"Welcome to the magcon family Isabelle, a nightly tradition here is to play truth or dare-" Shawn started

"Shut up no one even cares Shawn," I interrupted.

"Woah Jack is getting feisty."


"Johnson truth or dare?"


"I dare you to make out with Isabelle."

"Um, are you okay with this?"


We both leaned into each other. I brushed my lips against hers then crashed them onto her. My tongue escaped my mouth, adventuring into Isabelle's.

"Excuse the other fifteen people in the room, but we didn't come here to watch two love birds kiss," interrupted Nash.

I was a bit upset at Nash's reaction, yet I still blushed and so did Isabelle.

Isabelle is just naturally beautiful. Her slightly wavy hair, hazel eyes, light baby pink lips, even clear skin, God was she perfect.

"Jack," she tapped me on the shoulder a few times, "you were kinda staring."

"Oh my apologies, it's hard not to stare at girls that are beautiful." Her cheeks turned into the color of tomatoes.


"Hey, thanks for hanging out with us tonight. We're going home tomorrow morning, so we got to get some sleep."

"Thanks everyone for having me I had a wonderful time."

"Isabelle stay the night. You can stay in my room I have clothes you can borrow for the night. You can keep them if you want. Do you want to stay?"

"I would love to stay the night."

"Come on let's go to my room."

"To let you know Jack has the other bed, so he will be in here soon. I can give you a pair of sweats and shirt if you would like."

"That would be great."

I gave her the clothes and she went in the bathroom change. The one thing I am wondering is are we a thing or nah? Trust me I wound love to be a thing, I just don't know if she does. It might be strange for her, she might just thing me as a cute celebrity or viner or singer.


"Hello beautiful."

"Why are you so nice to me Jack? Why don't you treat me like all the other fans; say I love you and your pretty and that's it?"

"Because I love you, and I don't mean it like I mean it to every fan. I truly love you Isabelle."


It didn't take me forever to update this time. I think Jack and Isabelle is so cute. Comment what their ship name should be. Please vote and comment check out my Twitter hesmyhubby

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