Chapter 25

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Abby's POV

"Bart has gotten back to me Abby. He said Brooke can come with, as long as a different person besides us is with her at all times. She has to get a different room, but can hang out with us really whenever. She can't be in the building of the events. If we are in public and there is a fan attack she has to go."

"What is the point of her even going if can barley see her?"

"That is just the rules Abby, you are lucky he said yes. You need to decide tonight if she is going to come or not and who will come with her."

"I will talk to Brooke later today on if she can go. Sammy is going to be the person with her, he's like the only person I know besides you guys."

I talked to Brooke and explained what would happen. She still wanted to go. I think it's that she gets really bad seperational anxiety from me. Sammy and her get along very well, she will still have a great time hanging out with him.

I began to pack my stuff. I need to get a head start, Matt is going to make me do it for him and Brooke isn't going to be able to do it. After an hour and a half of powering through it, I finished packing me and most of Brooke's things. Being rushed and packing just makes you flustered and forget things.


"Abby wake up sweetie, it's time to go to magcon."

"Matt it is one thirty in the morning is this nessacary?"

"Yes, we need to get to the airport on time and less fans will be at the airport if it is at a really strange time."

"Ugh fine. Is Brooke up? Is Sammy here?"

"Brooke is still sleeping and Sammy is downstairs waiting to go."

I woke up Brooke and took both her and our suitcases out to Sammy's car. She would be going to the airport with him.

Pretty soon the car was stuffed full with people and luggage. We drove to the airport and my panic attack was kicking in.

"Abby what wrong?"

"Abby talk to us."

I shake my head hoping someone would get what I was trying to say or get across.

"Guys stop talking it's making it worse. Abby baby, breathe keep breathing. In and out, in and out. Everything is going to be okay I promise."

Matt's POV

I pulled her head into the crook of my neck. I stroked her head and whispered soothing words to her.

"Abby we need to get out of the car. Will you be okay?"

"I'm. Okay. Just. Afraid. Planes." I took huge breaths in between each word.

"Abby we are totally safe nothing is going to happen, I promise. Okay?"


We are going to meet back up with Brooke and Sammy. Sammy texted me that they were waiting for us at the security line.

We made our way towards the security. I could see Brooke, with the big wheelchair it wasn't hard. I pulled Abby along till we got there. I can tell she wasn't feeling well. The flight is going to be a bit short of six hours, after all we are flying across the country.


"Abby sit in Brooke's wheelchair, you aren't feeling well and I can tell. You are so small you can fit."

I helped her down into the chair and then took Brooke and carried her around."

The plane was boarding. We got to go on first because of Brooke. Abby's panic attack kicked in again. It's a good thing Brooke wasn't next to us.

After calming her down she fell asleep on my shoulder. I couldn't fall asleep, I spent a majority of the flight on Instagram and Twitter.


Abby's POV

"Hey you want to come in the other room with us. We are going to be hanging out and playing some games or something."

"Yeah sure, I have nothing else better to do."

"Hi Matt hi Abby," everyone greets us as we come through the door.

"Come on guys get in a circle and play truth or dare," Cameron suggested and nobody argued. "Since its your first time you get to go first. Abby, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to make out with Matt."

I give him a shrug it's not that big of a deal.


Since I'm the only girl in the room no one really has to make out or anything like that.

"Abby truth or dare?"Carter questioned.


"I dare you to play seven seconds in heaven with Hayes."


The suspense..... Sorry at the beginning for the filler. Currently puking my guts up so why not write a bit. Comment if you actually read my authors notes. please vote and comment check out my Twitter hesmyhubby

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