Chapter 24

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Abby's POV

Sammy and Brooke finished two more movies and he needed to go.

"Thanks for having me over. I'm sorry we really didn't get to do much."

"Thanks for hanging out with Brooke, she would have been bored out of her mind. I did a lot of cleaning. We can do something together some other time don't worry about it."

"See you later."


I got a lot of cleaning done because nothing is ever cleaned here. I cleaned Matt and I's room, Brooke's room, the play room, the video game room, living room, dining room, and kitchen. None of that would have gotten done with Brooke not being occupied.

"Everyone I have an announcement to make. I have gotten an email from Bart." Everyone crammed into the living room. "We are going to have two magcon events next week. The first part we are going to Orlando and the second part we are going to Atlanta. The twelve of us are going, Abby you are welcome to come. Brooke is going to have to be with Sammy-"

"No mommy don't leave me. You can't leave me again." She sobbed into my chest.

"Nash come on, can you talk to Bart for me."

"It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair." Brooke pouted.

"Nash please I can't see Brooke like this."

"I will try I can't promise anything."

"Nash, man, you got to do something. I need my girls with me, both of them."

"Matt chill. I'm going to do what I can."

"I think now is a good time for Brooke to go to bed."

"Can we help put her to bed?" Shawn and Aaron asked.

"Of course, that would be a great help. Shawn can you use your muscles to carry Brooke up the stairs I'm really tired."

"Of course."

"I will get her changed really quick and then if one of you could fix Matt's bed."

I took Brooke into the bathroom and changed her into another onesie. It was one of the only things that can fit over her cast.

"Can I do her hair?" Aaron asked.

"I want to brush her tiny teeth."


"Wait mommy can you and Shawn sing to me?"

"Brooke, you know I'm not good at singing."

"I don't care I like when you sing."

"Okay fine Brooke. She wants us to sing life of the party, it's here favorite song."

"Wait let me get my guitar." He ran into his room to get it. "Okay I'm ready now."

"I love it when you just don't care
I love it when you dance like there's nobody there
So when it gets hard, don't be afraid
We don't care what them people say
I love it when you don't take no
I love it when you do what you want cause you just said so
Let them all go home, we out late
We don't care what them people say
We don't have to be ordinary
Make your best mistakes
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party
I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary
Hearts are gonna break
'Cause we don't have the time to be sorry
So baby be the life of the party" we sung together as he strung chords on his guitar.

Shawn's POV

Abby has such an amazing voice, I was in total shock afterwards. She needs to perform at magcon. All the fans will love her. I went downstairs to get my phone and text Bart.

To Bart:

Was wondering Abby has a really good voice could she perform at magcon

To Shawn

I think that would be a good idea she could try it out at sound check if she wants

I hope she wants to perform at magcon. Maybe we could do a duet or with her dad or the three of us and Jacob could do one big group performance. This is going to be really fun, all she's needs to do is agree to perform.

Abby's POV

I came back downstairs from putting Brooke into bed. Shawn was waiting for me, and I have no idea why.

"Hi Abby."

"Oh hey Shawn. What's up?"

"Would you want to sing at magcon?"

"Shawn are you kidding, I'm horrible."

"No Abby you are amazing. I know a good singer when I hear one. I would never lie to you. You can try it once at a sound Check if you don't like it you don't have to do it. On the other hand if you do like it you can perform in front of the fan. We could maybe do a duet or you could do one with your dad."

"Wait my dad sings?"

"Yeah you didn't know that? He sings and Johnson raps; Jack and Jack."

"That's cool, I didn't know that."

"Please perform Abby I really want you to. I would honestly marry your voice if I could."

"I will think about it, I will totally do it at the sound check as long as any other of the guys don't know."


Sorry wattpad decided to delete my chapter. The update spree is off I had school today and volleyball tryouts fingers crossed. I keep writing and getting into it. I hope my chapters are getting better. I'm looking forward to the boys reactions at the sound check. They will be pretty interesting. Comment your social medias so we can follow each other. I want to get to know my followers/readers better. Please vote and comment. Check out my twitter hesmyhubby

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