Chapter Ten.

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A/N: Continue reading voting and sharing, if many of you are confused about the characters I have made a list about the main characters for your benefit, so pls enjoy and yeah-safe.


Lillita Grey|Lilly|Lills: Main character, book is based on her life

Reese Sullivan: Lillita's childhood best friend

Junior Devon|Junny|JJ: Lillita's ride or die, not her blood related brother but is considered as her brother 

Daniel Mckenzie\Danny|Blue eyes: Reese's best friend

Waking up after a rave was always a headache, literally. I took some aspirin and decided to get on with the day, seeing as we still had most the holidays left to enjoy.  It was almost 1 pm and I was sat reading all Cathy Glass books over and over again- leaned against the desk in the front room with my music playlist playing. 

Reading was most certainly my most favorite way to pass time and relax. You could dissolve into a world where nothing mattered. You could escape earth for a bit, be free not think not live. It was quite beautiful. I adored Cathy Glass for all her work. I mean it must have been such a struggle taking in kids with destroyed lives. To be honest I've always wanted to help people. Give them the care and love they've never had. Old people were my favorite,  they were so cute and fragile.  Like they spent all their life bringing up their kids, giving them the best in life, loving them caring for them, and then suddenly they get too old to do anything. They feel lonely and hopeless, they don't wanna lose their kids you know, its sad because their kids wanna lose them. Like they get fed up with looking after them its sad. Like I wanna work with old people, and just hug them till their fixed. Sometimes it makes me really upset because I think about all the sad people in this world and I cant help them. Like its so frustrating. But oh well I guess I cant fix everyone.

It was 3 pm now and their was five very bold knocks on the door. I got up and straightened out my high ponytail pulled up my knee high socks and threw my flowery kimono over my naked skin. Walking over to the door I opened it seeing a very very angry Junior. He stormed in pushing me out the way. I closed the door following him into the front room. 

Folding my arms I asked whats wrong. "Whats wrong, are you serious Lills? I tell you too stay away from that weird looking creep and you run back to him, every single time, your like my little sister, I cant sleep knowing your in contact with someone whose hurt you before" he held his head down, a lump grew in my throat. Not many people cared about what happened to me, technically no one except Junior cared about what happened to me. "Lills, im sorry if its upsetting to listen to this but its true okay, since I met you my main goal in life was too make sure your good you know, make sure your safe"  I started crying,silently. And then walked towards him and pulled him in for a hug. 

He was like an avocado, hard as ever on the outside but so soft on the inside.  We hugged a while and then I spoke. "JJ im so sorry, I swear I try keeping away but he comes to me, I don't know I kind of miss him it hurts you know" I buried myself into the crook of his neck, "Lills I understand, but please try harder yeah, I now ill never understand the pain you've been through and that's why I want to do anything I can to prevent you from hurting again, just anytime your with him and he starts getting freaky just holla me yeah ill be there" I let go of him. Junior I know you'll be there for me, and ill be there for you, don't worry im big girl know yeah im strogerest person ever" he chuckled I ruffle d his hair and with that he left. 

Once JJ left I continued reading. That's when blue eyes  crossed my mind. The way he left was really bugging me. I mean no ones ever been rude to me, they usually scared or cant be bothered to get roasted. It was unusual, who did he assume he was, kind of England. I didn't bloody think so. I got up and grabbed my air max, putting them on I walked out and towards blue eyes house. I don't know what I was doing or what I was thinking, but this was happening right now so I let it flow. 

Once there, I stood a little anxious and then rung the doorbell. He opened with the most mischievous smirk, "I thought you'd turn up, let me guess playing on your mind was I" he said it so naturally. I didn't know how to respond, seeing as some of it was true. I stood awkwardly whilst he eyed me up. And then realization hit me. I was practically stood half naked at the front door of an extremely hot looking human. "Im going to walk into your house now and we shall have a mature conversation" I said trying not to stutter. He laughed and then walked out shutting his front door. What the bloody hell, is he dumb? "Well we cant do that now because i've locked us both out" He was certainly the strangest person i've come across. "What the hell, why did you do that" I asked confused. "I don't know I guess I just did it" It was winter and I was stood outside with a kimono and knee high socks, not the greatest thing i've done. I walked over to the back gate of the house trying to get in. He followed behind and then climbed over unlocking the gate and letting me in. I really don't understand the joy he got from locking us out. 

Once inside, we sat across each other at his dinning table. "So apologize then and we can move on" wow the cheek of this guy. "Apologize? Excuse me, you obviously don't know me" He turned, so now he was facing me exactly. "Fine lets play a game, the loser is to apologize and the winner, they get to do whatever they want to the loser". This didn't feel right. But I knew i'd win, so I agreed. 

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