Chapter 6 Hoping and waiting

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Castle- they took her to another room where I assumed it was a room where they would start the unexpected surgery on Kate. I could feel the water coming from my eyes as espo and Ryan forced me into a chair. After they knew I wasn't going to do anything stupid, they went to talk to laine.
"Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant? Why would she keep something so important from me!?"
I felt a wave of anger sweep over me. I reached for my phone,but then I remembered what I had done during my walk. I went over to a pay phone. "Why do they still have theses things?"
Quickly, I called my mother and Alexis to tell them where I was, and I told them to stay at home. I didn't tell them about Kate's miscarriage, it was probably best if they never knew she was pregnant. I ended the call and went over to talk to Esposito, Ryan and laine. "Castle, she is going to be ok bro." Espo tried to keep me calm, but It didn't help. " did any of you know she was pregnant?" My frown was getting bigger by the minute. "I did think it was a little odd she wasn't drinking coffee, but other than that she was fine." Ryan said with a sad look on his face. "Guys, I wasn't supposed to tell you but, she has been throwing up every time she comes down to the morgue." Laine said while looking at the floor. "And you didn't tell us she was sick." My face started to feel hotter.  "I didn't because she said she just had a cold, I had no idea it was morning sickness!" Laine start to get upset, and that was the last thing we needed. "Ok you two, you better calm down before I have to hand cuff you." Espo took out his cuffs. "That's not funny havi." Laine gave him a deadly look. "It wasn't meant to be." Now espo was heated up. "Ok EVERYONE just calm down! Beckett is in there fighting for her life, and what are we doing! We are fighting! Do you know what she would do if she was here right now! She would tell us to stop acting like children and grow up! Now you say you wanna help her! How is this helping our friend!" I don't think any of us had heard Ryan so angry before. "He's right man." Espo went to go sit down. " I'll go see if I can find out what's going on in the operating room." Laine smiled small then took off to find Dr.Grey. Ryan called Jenny to tell her what was going on and that he loved her. In the meantime I startedh to think over what Dr.Grey said was wrong with her. "Maybe she did want the baby, I mean she wasn't drinking coffee. But then if she wanted the baby then why wasn't she eating?" Then something occurred to me. "What if she didn't even know she was pregnant!" After espo heard me say that he started to listen. " I mean she was only a month pregnant, so she wasn't showing." I could feel the anger I had go away slowly. "But bro, what about the morning sickness, and she hasn't been drinking coffee?" Espo said as he looked at me.
" she already had a cold, so that explains the morning sickness, she must of just thought it was the cold. And any one who is pregnant, they can't stand the smell of coffee, but sometimes it's the Same when your sick." I was hoping that was it, I was hoping she didn't know. "Now that you mention it that dose make a lot more sense than Beckett abusing her baby on purpose, but bro why hasn't she been eating, aren't pregnant people supposed to crave food while there pregnant?" Espo was totally getting into the conversation, like it was a murder case or something. "You don't know this but when Becketts depressed or sad she abuses herself, and that most likely is why she wasn't eating or drinking anything and it also explains the cuts on her arms, I just wish I was there for her, I shouldn't of let her leave without an explanation." The tears started to come to my eyes. "Dude it is not your fault, look we all know how Beckett gets at times, trust me you did the right thing at the time." After espo said that laine came running over. "CASTLE!!!"
Laine ran over to me screaming my name. "Laine what is it." I said trying to calm her down. Then the worlds that came out of her mouth hit me.

"She's awake!"

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