Chapter 7 Awake

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Beckett- I heard the beeping Machines and I felt weak. My head was hurting and throbbing it seamed. "Where- where am I, where's castle."
I tried to sit up but I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach. I laid back down then I realized, I was in the hospital. Just then a nurse walked in. "Hello Mrs.beckett, we're glad you are finally awake." The nurse seemed to be in her early twenties with short black hair. "Um where is my husband?" I started to panic a little. "Ow he's in the waiting room with Dr.Perish and 2 cops." She smiled and checked the Machines.
"Must be espo and Ryan." I thought.
"You know everyone has been really worried about you, we didn't know if you 2 were going to make it." With that I almost jumped. "What do you mean you 'two', is my husband ok!?" I started to panic. "Ow he's fine, he's the one that brought you in here screaming at the top of his lungs." I started to blush, that sounds like something castle would do. "Then what do you mean." Before she could answer her beeper blinked and she left.
What did she mean? Was there some one else in the car? Did something happen to Alexis? I could feel my self breathing harder until finally, a doctor and Rick walked it. "Oh my god Rick!" He came over to me and gave me a big hug. "I'm so glad you are alive, I was so scared that you were dead!" He cried into my shoulder as I cried in to his chest. "Rick, what happened, the last thing I remember is you screaming my name when I fell at the loft." Then the doctor came over closer. "Hello Mrs. Beckett, I am Dr.Grey, and we are all glad you two are ok." A confused look spread across my face. "Why dose everyone keep saying you 'two' was there some one else in the car or something?"the doctor looked at me in shock and castle the same. "Mrs.beckett you didn't know." I was starting to get frustrated now. "Didn't know what, could someone please tell me what everyone is talking about." With that for some unexplainable reason castle kissed me on the lips,but after a minute we broke from the kiss. "Ok, now someone better tell me what's going on right now." With that the doctor looked at me."well Mrs. Beckett, you are a month pregnant." I just stared at the doctor for a minute then at castle, then finally my eyes landed to my stomach. Then my hands landed there to, then I looked at my arms, and after a minute I started to cry.the doctor left the room and then it was just Rick and me. He came over to give me a hug and I just started to cry into his chest. "Kate it's ok, we're going to get through this, just please calm down." He would always try and calm me down when I was upset. Finally I broke from his embrace and looked up at him. "I could of killed it Rick, I wasn't talking care of myself at all, I could of killed 'our' child, you must hate me! I'm sorry! I never even knew!" I was crying even more now. He pulled my chin so I was looking at him. "Kate, no matter what I would never hate you, and I knew you didn't know, but Kate I love you more than anything or anyone in the world." He always knew what to say when I was like this. "Thank you for being there for me, I love you." With that I kissed him then laid back down to get some sleep. The last thing I heard him say was "always" then I drifted off to sleep.

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