Chapter 10 break in, castle's POV

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After Kate was asleep I walked back to the waiting room to find Javi and Kevin were asleep, it was just me and Laine.

"How is she." The woman's words came seconds after I entered the room.

'She's fine, she just keeps blaming herself for something that hasn't even happened or will ever happen." The ME gave me a confused look but then her eyes went to the floor as she said, "She thinks she is going to lose the baby." I frowned a bit when I heard her say that. " Yeah, she thinks that since she hasn't been treating herself that good she is going to lose it, but she's not going to  lose it she is going to be fine, I mean she has to be, right?"

Laine looked straight into my eyes as she said, "I don't know Castle." Worry spread through my body as she said that. "But Dr. Grey said that Kate and the baby would be fine." 

"Castle I know this is the last thing you need to hear right now but, sometimes us doctors can't always be sure."

She was right that was not what I needed to hear, but I know deep down inside they will both be fine, but if they are not, if I lose Kate I don't know what I will do.

Just then I got a call from my mother.

"Richard I need you to come home right now." She sounded like she had just had a heart attack.

"Mother are you ok, what's wrong."

"Could you just come home now , and bring your cop buddies?" Hearing this made me go straight into panic mode, why would I need to bring the boys unless something was bad wrong.

"What's going on mother?"

"I would rather not say over the phone just come home now!!!"

With that I ended the call, Laine had heard the whole thing and had already woke up the boys.

"what's going on bro." Espo said while still being half asleep unlike Ryan who was wide awake.

"I don't know but something is wrong up at the loft and my mother sounded like she was panicking."

"Ok let's go." Ryan and Espo were already half way down the hall when Laine said, "I'm coming too." I protested quickly. "Lainie you need to be here in case Kate wakes up while were gone." She shook her head and said, "Look you said your mom was panicking , now I am a licensed doctor and I can make sure she is ok."

Reluctantly I agreed for her to go with us. "Fine, I just hope nothing bad has happened."

As we left I had the feeling like someone was following us, but by the time we were out the door the only thing I could concentrate on was getting home. When we all got to the loft, we went in to find the place had been trashed.  I only had one instinct at the moment. "Alexis!!" there was no answer, well at least no answer from her.

"oh kiddo, thank god you got here."

I look over at my mother and find that she has been bashed in the head with something, but by the time I could fully process what was going on Laine was already with my mother looking at her wounded head, And the boys were already upstairs looking for Alexis, I just hope she wasn't at home when this happened.

"Honey what happened to you." Laine was a little in shock but she was in better shape then I was.

"I had just come by to make sure that Richard wasn't drinking or something, you know the breakup had been hard for him, and just as I walked in I noticed he wasn't here, then I got his call telling me that he had brought Kathrin to the hospital, and that's when I saw Alexis was here, then Kathrin called her and after that phone call ended she went up to bed."

"Then what happened mother." My voice was a little shaky, but I just wanted to know my little girl was all right.

"Well then I was sitting on the couch, just about to take a nap when I heard someone trying to unlock the door, now I just thought it was you but then when he finally got it open it was someone else, he looked a little familiar to me but, then he took the bat from the umbrella bin and slammed it into my head I  got knocked out, and then I woke up to everything scattered around and that's when I called you."

Just then Espo and Ryan came down the stairs, and Javi was carrying Alexis.

"oh thank god she wasn't taken." As they came closer I was able to see that she had a black eye and her face was scratched up, she must had been Knocked out as well. That's when Kevin handed me a note that said.

"You took from me, now I am going to take what is rightfully mine back."

"Mother, what did this man look like?"

"oh, well, he has brown or black hair that came down to his shoulder, he looked tan and he was muscular and kinda tall, ow, and he smelled like hand sanitizer, like he worked at a hospital."

It only took me a few seconds to know who I was up against, Doctor Motorcycle Boy.


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