Chapter 13

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Castles POV

The line went silent.

No response.
I looked over at espo and he nodded as if to say he had her location.
Me, Ryan, and espo then ran to Esposito's unit and within seconds of us getting in the car we were off to Beckett's location.
Throughout the whole ride worse case scenarios started to play in my head. She could be dead, or she could've been rapped, but I kept trying to think positively even though it was next to impossible.
When we reached the whear house we put on our bulit proof vests and guns on quickly then stormed into the building. Thankfully javi had called in back up when he tracked her location so the whole place was swept through. We followed the signal until it reached a flip phone laying on the ground.
"This is it, this is the phone Beckett called you from." Javi picked it up and put it in his pocket. "So dose that mean she was here or did someone plant it here to throw us off track?" I asked trying to stay calm. "I don't know bro, lets look around some more and maybe we will find some-" he was cut off by Ryan. "Guys did you hear that?" We all stayed quiet for a moment until we heard screams and groans coming from the room down the hall.

And that was all I need to hear to know it was my wife.
"KATE!" I screamed, only to be answered with more shouts for help. We then ran to the end of the hall and burst through the doors to see an empty room with a speaker right in the middle of it that the screaming kept playing over and over on. And next to it, a pool of blood.
"God" I gasped as I saw the red liquid on the floor.
"She's not here, she might of been at one time but she's gone now." Ryan said while walking over toward me.
I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself down but it didn't help much.
"Hey, castle we are going to get her back." Esposito said while looking around.
I couldn't be in that room because all I could think about were her screams, so I walked outside of the building where it was dead silent.
I then started to hear a phone ring from near by, and when I looked around I saw a pay phone close to me.

I ran to it as fast as I could because I knew it had to be her Kidnapper.
"Who is this?"
I said into the phone the second I picked it up.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the writer who likes to play cop."

"Demming, what are you and josh up to! Kate did nothing to you two! Just let her go!" I said trying to stay as calm as possible so no one could hear me other that demming.

"Oh castle, do you really think it would be that easy?" He said while holding back a laugh.

"Name your price and I'll get the money to you, just don't hurt her!"

"I think it's a little late for that!" A mans voice screamed so he could be heard by me, and just then I heard a woman's scream.

"KATE!" I screamed into the receiver.
I heard another few screams and groans before it went silent.
"I'll do anything!" I yelled.

I felt like demming was smirking on the other line.
" this is how it's going to work, you got a choice to make writer boy, your either going to sacrifice yourself so your wife can live, or you can listen as we take her life right now."
I then heard another scream and my blood ran cold.
"I'll do it, where do I need to meet you?" I asked.
"Oh no, see that would be to easy! You would bring your cop friends and we would all be dead within minutes. No, your going to kill yourself right there, right now, we have cameras surrounded by the where house, and the second you pull that trigger on that gun in your belt we will let Kate go. Do we have a deal?" I heard Kate scream again and a single tear went down my cheek.
"How will I know you let her go?"

He laughed. "I guess you won't."

"CASTLE NO!!" I heard Kate scream.
I then brought the gun up to my chest and pulled the trigger.

Oh no cliffhanger!!!

So I know it's been forever, and that's because I have no ideas or interest in this fic anymore, so I'm going to try and end it as quickly as I can!

And I'm not promising a happy ending😈

And would you guys PLEASE check out my new colifer fic called habits. I would really appreciate it!!

By now

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