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Some time later after chatting in the kitchen for a little while all the while thinking about how people saw Lucas and me together, Riley said she'd give me a tour of the mansion, and show me my bedroom. In every room, I was sure that I gaped a little wider each time. The house really was something you would imagine in a dream. Crystal chandeliers in nearly every room, extremely elegant flooring with beautiful furniture, and windows that let in all the morning light into such an amazing place. Then came my room. I vaguely remember me sinking to my knees and whipping my head in all directions to try and take in everything I saw, with Riley laughing at my awe in her soft, beautiful way that only Riley does. After hearing her laugh, I got up and smiled at her amusement from my peculiar actions. I swear that girl spreads smiles like rats spread the plague (that was a terrible example, I'll have to think of something nicer than that).

    "Riley, I don't know how on earth I came to be here with such amazing people, but I can tell that this summer is going to be the best out of my inexperienced 17 years!"

    She laughed at my joke (it wasn't that funny, but she's the cutest thing ever when she laughs so I went along with it), and pointed to the windowsill at the corner of the room. We both were obviously thinking the same thing.

    "Wow... It's been a while since we've visited our bay window in my room, hasn't it?" she asked with a hint of melancholy.

    "Yeah. I suppose things around us have changed. And so have we," I said, knowing we were both thinking about how different things had been since my mom had broken apart from Shawn.

    She and I looked at each other from across the room. While we hung out with Lucas, Farkle, and Zay as great friends, Riley would always be my best friend. No hardship could change that, and we loved each other so much that I knew we could never give up on the other completely. My eyes grew misty as I thought about my love for such an amazing best friend who had been there for me through everything. When she saw my gleaming eyes, her eyebrows instantly slanted upwards and she raced across the room to hug me. We hugged each other so tight, I didn't know how I would let go of her. As we let go, Riley asked me something that always stuck with me. Something about her tone made me question how I felt about myself.

    "Maya. I know you. And I know you better than anyone else in the world. So please tell me the truth. Do you like Lucas?"

    My mouth dropped open against my will. I mean I loved Lucas! As a friend! I had always thought that was it.. I mean, we had never been jealous of each other when we dated other people, had we? I had dated Josh for 2 years for God's sake, and Lucas had dated a slew of people back home. Girls drooled at him when he walked by! But Riley was right. She knew me. And she wouldn't have asked if it didn't seem like I was struggling to figure out the truth.

    "Yes," I finally answered. "A lot, actually. But I'm not sure if I like him that way. I just.. I don't know, Riles."

    "Maya, you don't have to know. But I don't want you to shut him out because you're scared, okay? Even if he doesn't like you like that or you don't, please keep our friendship. The 5 of us will always be friends. And the two of us? We will always be best friends."

    "Thanks.." I barely managed, filled with love for my best friend and confusion for the future.

    But I didn't have to know.

    "Hey, you and me. Let's sit at the window together. For old time's sake. It might not be the original. But it'll do.." Riley said with the biggest smile.

    " 'Course, sunshine," I replied with an even bigger smile.

    And there we sat. We didn't need to talk. We had each other. Now. And forever. With the sun shining through the window onto our laps, a wonderstruck look filled our youthful eyes. That wonder came with hope. Hope that things would get better. Hope that Riley and I were right about being best friends forever. Not some BFF joke you tell on the playground to your friend when you're 7. A true promise for worse or for better with a person you love more than yourself.



- zzzzzzzoe :))))))

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