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"What?" I asked sorrowfully.

"I'm so sorry, Maya. He's a douche and he was drunk and-" Farkle rambled.

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" I raged as my insides steamed with anger and frustration.

At least I knew before I confessed my feelings for him.

"I tried! You went up the stairs and didn't let me finish! I'm so sorry, Maya," Farkle pleaded.

I wallowed in self-pity for a few moments before pulling myself out of my dazed state.

Well, now I know how he feels and I don't need to pry.

"Let's go somewhere tonight. You, me, and Zay. The three of us. I saw a pool at the Hotel down the street and I feel like it would do me good to have some fun for once," I said calmly.

"Mind if I join you?" a voice rang out behind me.

Lucas. Oh, joy.

I contemplated to either rage on him or stay calm as Farkle gave him a stare of death on my behalf. I decided it wasn't his fault he didn't have feelings for me. I couldn't force them upon him.

"Sure," I replied coolly. "The four of us friends."

Maybe I imagined it, but I thought I saw Lucas wince at the word friends.

An awkward silence passed between the three of us as the seconds dragged on with the words everyone was dying to say being held back.

"I'll leave you two alone," Farkle spoke as he began to back out of the room.

"No," I half-yelled. "There's no need for you to leave. There's nothing to talk about between us."

I plastered an obviously fake smile on my face and looked at Lucas.

He still looked like a mess. Obviously, his headache hadn't gone away from last night and he hadn't taken the time to try and fix himself up. My effort to at least fake a smile was not returned by him, and all I got was a clenched jaw and serious eyes.

"Then it's settled! Where's Zay, by the way?" I asked with false happiness.

"He was up in his room watching TV. What time do you want to leave?" Farkle asked pointedly.

"Let's leave around 6:00 tonight," I replied, looking at Lucas's agonized, handsome face.



The four of us were suited up and ready to go with our towels slung over our shoulders and smiles plastered on our faces. Although, I wasn't particularly happy about the fact that Lucas was going to be there, but I was okay as long as Farkle or Zay was by my side.

Zay drove, Lucas sat shotgun, and Farkle and I gladly took the backseats together as I rested my head on his shoulder the whole way there (which was only about 10 minutes.)

As we arrived, I took a glimpse at the lights above us. The stars were incredible. I think the reason that we can't see the stars in New York is because if people could really see how small they were in the real comparison of things, no one would ever think they really mattered. So we live on in blissful ignorance. I vowed in that moment I would never live my life that way.

I could practically imagine Riley standing next to me with her beautiful brown hair framing her face and her doe eyes staring at me with an expression that conveyed how true her intentions were. She reminded me of a beautiful butterfly. Utterly unique, one of a kind, and stunning.

the only exception, a maya hart storyWhere stories live. Discover now