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After getting all of the stuff we would need for the day into our bags and packing clothes for afterwards (we were probably going to get dirty), we informed the adults in the house where we were going and took the car keys off the hook in the kitchen. Both of us were wearing black jeans, long sleeve tee-shirts, flannels, and combat boots for our outing that afternoon. We had decided on horseback riding.

    "Maya, today is gonna be all kinds of trouble, isn't it?" Riley asked without a hint of nervousness in her voice.

    "Yep," I said, popping the 'p'.

    As we ran towards the front door, racing each other to the car to see who got to drive, I ran smack into a brute force walking around the corner and fell to the ground.

    "Aww geez," I grumbled as I rubbed the back of my head where it had smacked the ground when I landed.

    "Oh my god, Maya, are you okay?" Riley screeched, which didn't help my headache at all.

    "Yeah, I'm fine.." I mumbled. "What was tha-" I began to say, then stopped when I saw who was in front of me.

    Oh.. it was him.

    "I'm so sorry, Maya," he said quickly. "I didn't mean to do that at all, I swear."

    "It's fine, Lucas.." I said as I rubbed the back of my head tentatively. "I know you're mad at me, but I know you wouldn't do that on purpo-"

    He cut me off with a kiss. It wasn't desperate or pathetic. It was strong.. It was everything we needed to patch things together and mend the broken trust.

    "Um.. eh emm," Riley cleared her throat, awkwardly, reminding us she was still there.

    We broke our kiss and I hugged him tight. I put my hands in hair and messed it all up, and somehow he managed to look even more perfect than before. I grabbed Riley by the hand and ran for the door.

    "We'll be home in time to take Riley to the airport!" I yelled before the door slammed behind us and I hopped into the drivers seat and put the key in ignition. And we were off. We plugged in Riley's phone to the AUX cord and guiltlessly put "No Control by One Direction" on repeat, singing at the top of our lungs along with the song the whole way there.

    Once we arrived at the horseback riding place, we parked the car and found our horses in the corral. I'm sure Lucas would've known all about this, considering he's my little southern boy. Riley's horses's name was Cassadee and mine was called Wildfire, and both horses seemed to have their own personality. While Riley's horse was tame and sweet, much like her own personality, Wildfire had her own spiteful characteristics. She seemed to be quite an incredibly strong, beautiful horse, but seemed to be lonesome, like she just wanted an owner all to herself.. Not one that came and went like most people do here.

    After riding out with our horses for several hours, taking a break and eating lunch in between, getting back on the horse and walking along the dirt paths, Riley and I both a had dirt-covered faces, wind swept hair, and smiles glowing like we had experienced something powerful. We went to the finalizing area where I could pay for a session, and Riley and I had a good laugh about how I could barely see over the countertop because of my height. As I turned my head to see who I was paying to, I did a double take. There, standing right in front of me, was Joshua Matthews...

    But of all the places and times in the world, he was here? Now? How was that humanly possible? How was that humanly possible? Of course my ex-boyfriend would just happen to be on a different continent in the same country as we were at the exact same time. As I tried to shield my face with my flannel, Josh saw me and clearly was as surprised as I to see each other's faces after so long.

    "Maya!? What're you doing here?" he asked, looking for an explanation

    Joshua Matthews was 3 years older than me, and had always been a looker. We had long history in the past, and 2 years of dating doesn't fade away that easily, which made me uneasy about him being here. Part of the reason I was in Ireland was to escape all of the drama and madness back home, not embrace it head-on.

    "I think a better question would be what you're doing here?" I replied with half sass half curiosity.

    "Well, I decided to study abroad for a semester and came here.. I got a job here temporarily.. Now, onto you?" he said quickly and disinterestedly.

    "Riley, Zay, Farkle, Lucas, and I came here for the summer.. Although Riley's leaving later today," I mumbled under my breath.

    "She's here too! Where is she?" he asked with newfound excitement.

    Though I might have my own grudges against Joshua Matthews, I loved that he and Riley had such a good relationship.

    "She's right over by the corral," I said with a gentle laugh. "I'll go get her, she'll be so excited to see you!"

    After yanking Riley, telling her I had a huge surprise for her over in the area, she followed and squealed when she saw Josh. They embraced each other in a huge hug that made the corners of my mouth tilt up into a smile.

    "God, I'd love to stay and talk with you, but we have to leave. Like right now," Riley said with a smile rooted in sadness.

    "I better get back to my job, but it was great to see you both," he said, sweeping his hair back with his hands and putting it into his beanie like he always used to when we dated. The little creep..

    Riley and I began to walk away, arm in arm, when Josh whispered the words that sent chills down my spine.

    "You look as a gorgeous as always, you know."




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