Chapter 16

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Poke...poke...poke... I groggily swat the thing that keep poking my face and snuggle deeper in my pillow. But before I could sleep more, poke... poke... I grab it and raise my head to glare at the one disturbing my slumber.

"Morning..." Heat bloom my face instantly as I saw GD's smiling face inches from mine. I mumble my greetings and quickly try to wipe any drool that I might have. He chuckle at my expense and kissed my embarrassment away.

"Oppa!" I laugh when he start tickling me in bed. For the past few days, we were living in our small bubble. I never felt so giddy and my smiles were uncontrollable with him. His boyish smile made my heart stutter and it was refreshing from the usual smug smiles he show in front of everyone. He was full of mischief and fun, making me laugh at his silliness. But sometimes, we try to sneak some 'time' for ourselves. Taking a night stroll around the house together, stealing some kisses and touches when nobody is around, sneaking to my room and do what two people does in a room...







...Watch some movies while eating popcorn while making fun at it. What!? A girl has to have limits too. But when we are with the rest, he most of the time sat beside me and use a throw pillow to hide our clasp hand together. It was hard to steal some moments behind the guys back since we haven't totally told them about us. To make up from this, I try as much as possible to assure him I'm doing this for their own protection even if he was grumpy and annoying whenever the guys start to be touchy. Like c'mon, that's his brothers... His jealous streak didn't end up just there, much to my chagrin, he gave me a gift for no reason that looks expensive and customize even if it was small. I tried to return it only for him to give me his famous lost puppy look that I hate and adore. A platinum charm bracelet that held a single dangling gem. And having a small dragon engraved on the stone was an obvious way to show who has my attention. He earn a hard punch in his arm that time. I may have fallen for him but owning me like a property make me tick. GD has imperfections too you know.

"So... I made breakfast for you." He said, hovering after tickling me to death, well not really. I huff but grin at him when he nuzzle his nose to mine.

"Let me do my stuff before I head down, okay?" I said and peck on his cheek before sliding out of his arms. As I stood by the door of my bathroom I glance behind my shoulder and see a smirking GD sitting on my bed.

"By the way, oppa... I like men who cook for me." I wink and close the door behind me, leaving a blushing GD alone in my room. Giggling to myself, I refreshen myself with a skip in my feet. Like a giddy young maiden who is off to see her man. I glance at the mirror and barely recognize the woman staring back. Gone with the solemn look to be replace by a sparkling jade eyes with flush cheeks and easy smile. I could see the old me before everything happen. But what if this was just a slice of happiness only? A moment to cherish till it last? No...not yet... I shake off the negativity, not wanting to damper my morning. With a sigh, I step out of the bathroom to see a beautiful rose on my bed. Holding it under my nose, I felt a smile slip in my face, the doubts long forgotten as I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Drop that egg, Seungri! Yah, hyung don't drink that! What's wrong with you people?!" I could hear GD's raised voice from the kitchen as I walk closer and frown at what I'm staring at. Daesung and Sengri running around with GD hot on their tail as TOP and Taeyang sat by with a grin in their faces.

"Uhm...what's happening here?" I ask no one as I step aside when the two decided to run to the living room with an angry GD after them.

"Morning, Xin!"

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