Chapter 22

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Did you experience a time in your life where you feel that you're carrying the world in your shoulder? Like you want to just toss it and say 'screw this' but can't do? Will raising my hand up be an obvious answer to my questions? I sigh for the nth time as I glare at a space. My head and heart seem to be at war for one odd thing... maybe five men would be the right term. I huff and cross my arms in front of me as I try to focus on watching the boys go to work. And when I mean work, photoshoot... Again... This time for a clothing brand that will release their new collection this coming month. They're the new face and had to do some shoot to promote it. I hate and love how they command everything around them. How they get everyone, including my attention with no problem. For the past days, my senses are always heighten due to how the guys are acting around me. My face non stop blushing, I keep on stammering and for no reason my heartbeat is jumping in different places. It's like I was seeing them in another angle I didn't notice. Like those small details I thought wasn't useful were signs of something else. Argh! I always knew TOP's oppa has this gaze that made any women blush and also playful. But recently, he has this unreadable look whenever I caught him looking was making me feel squirm. GD oppa remain the same, playful and sweet but now easily irritated and won't tell me whats wrong. He would just tell me everything is fine and kiss my question away, making me forget the way his eyes look troubled and sad. Seungri usually whine and pout, using his maknae charm but he seem to shed that image and act more... I dont know...Does talking to me with calmly and placing hand on my lower back as he gently leading me count as a gentleman? Aish, then there's the other one. Taeyang, our gentle and kind Sol. He still is but now more bold. And what I meant is, he's been winking and hinting a lot of something. My head is aching just thinking of them four. Do I look like a person who flirt too much? Like i wanted this attention at all? I don't... I swear, I didn't do anything! I was aware how each had once told me they like me. By liking GD oppa more means I can only offer is friendship, nothing else. I thought I knew they wouldn't do anything and let things flow. But what's this? I was in the middle of this silly situation and I can't get out of it without hurting them again. What did I get myself in to?!

"Okay that's a wrap!" I blink out of my turmoil and saw the photographer calling the shoot end. There were applause, relieve sighs and bit of high five here and there. I'll think about it later as I make my way to the boys. If they look good in suits, they look awesome in this casual yet fashionable ones. As if the clothes were made for them only. Greeting and smiling on some of the staff, I almost stumble back when someone passing by shove my shoulder back.

"Hey! Watch where you going!" I exclaimed and glare at the back of that person. Didn't apologize or look back as the person keep on walking away. Grumbling, I touch the tender spot on my arm as i turn back. A scream made me stop on my tracks and look where that came from.

"Look out!" I heard it before seeing it. Two loud snaps as the ropes broke from the base and the support beams tumble down with a thud as the temporary wall sway dangerously before it shifted towards my direction.

"Xin!!!" Voices called out for me but I just stood there with my feet frozen on the ground as I watch the white wall falling towards me. It was too late for me to finally move when an arm tug me hard towards the person's chest and wrap around me as the wall hit us. My head smacking on the cold floor and breath whoosh out of me as we fell down with the wall over us. I groan in pain and so does the person above me.

"Oh my God!! Call an ambulance!" Someone shouted as I laid there on the floor barely holding on my consciousness and a person pressed on me.

"Xin!!" Black spots appear on my sight as I heard people moving around and calling out my name. I tried to be awake but my heavy eyes are giving in. With the last strength I have, i saw a beach blonde hair and let myself drift to darkness.

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