Chapter 33

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The ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room as I stare at the man across the table. No one moved or look away as we measure each other's presence. He knew this was coming. I know it will lead here. But nobody was expecting it to be sooner than we wanted.

"Is this what you wanted?"

"You know I have to..." I said, not exactly answering his questions. Leaning back on his seat, I watch him close his eyes for a moment, sighing as he pinch the bridge of his nose.

"I can't change your mind at all, Xin?" He open his eyes to look at me, asking again. But rather answer him, I gave him a timid smile only. He stood up, buttoning his coat on as I follow his action.

"I hope this is a wise decision." He offered his hand to me. I reach for it and firmly shook it since I've trusted him like the few honorable men I admire.

"I hope so... Mr. President... I hope so." I simply said.


I nodded at the men standing outside the door of BigBang's place. They are the added security that YG has given when everything went south. I pulled the door open after pressing the pin code on it when silence welcomed me. Huh? Are they asleep? It's just past six in the evening. Frowning at it, I made my way in and see why.

"Hey guys...." I greeted them and see five eyes greeted me.

"Hey Xin! You're finally here!"

"Uhm...yeah.. What are you all doing?" And I eye Seungri who was hanging up side down the couch with the remote on his hand as he watch tv with the mute on as he flip channels; Daesung was on one side doing sit-ups; Taeyang was dancing in one corner on his own and humming a tune; TOP was drinking wine as he just stare at the window; and GD oppa is sitting beside the center table, scribbling away on a sheet of paper then crumpling the paper later on and throwing it away over his shoulder.

"Just watching TV."


"Trying to perfect a dance."

"Working a new song."


"Oookay? I could see that. Are you all telling me you're bored out of your mind?"

"Exactly." They all said. Oh? Is that so?

"Well, we can't go out without the press following us and uncle threaten to shave our hair in sleep if we take one step out of the dorm." TOP touches his head as if trying to remind himself his hair is still intact. Pffft...

"Oh? That's too bad..." I pretend to feel bad and their attention was back on me.

"Here I thought I we could go out for a drink and have some fun... Too bad... Well... I'll be in my room then..." I said out loud, flip my hair back and walk away. It didn't take a second before I heard my name being called out, I was grinning when I turn back towards them.

"So who's up for some sneaking out?"


"I can't eat no more..." Sol groans, rubbing his stomach as we walked in the streets.

"Eh? We've just eaten seven out of fifteen famous street foods here." I said, scratching my head when five bewildered eyes stare at me.

"What? I'm still hungry." I shrug only and keep on walking with them.

"I wonder where all the food goes... Ow! What did I do?" I heard Seungri whine and GD oppa grumbling as he wrap his arm over my shoulder. Shaking my head, we stroll the streets and eyeing any food stalls close by. For the past hours, we've done nothing but eating any street foods in sight. We manage to trick the men of YG and slip out when they were not looking. Dress in hoodies, scarfs and face masks nobody paid attention at us.

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