Chapter 31

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I could feel my body aching as I regain my consciousnesses. Every muscles protesting as I try to wake myself up. Feeling sore from inside and out, a small groan slip from my dry lips. My head still hazy but slowly it came tumbling down on me. Phone call... van... taser... And oppa... I tense up and try to move only to wince from the pain. Huh? Then it dawn to me that my hands are cuffed behind the chair and both calves on each leg of the chair I'm sat at. Frowning at my state, I blink the blurriness of my eyes and see...






A life size cut out of TOP oppa staring back at me

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A life size cut out of TOP oppa staring back at me. What? I shake my head just to make things clear but the next thing I see is Daesung, Taeyang, GD and Seungri's smiling faces all over the place. Huh?

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself as everything set in

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"What the hell?" I mumble to myself as everything set in. Every part of the room I'm stuck has BigBang memorabilia. From their young smiling posters, stacks of CDs and down to the framed...boxer shorts? Okay, I probably hit my head that hard earlier or I'm seeing things. A single door for way in an out of this...odd... room. Where are they? Are they hurt? Crap, Xin...think! But first thing first... I shifted forward, wincing as I lift my arms up from the back of the chair until I settle it right behind me. One of my fingers in my left hand touches the firm spot above my cuffed wrist and start scratching it when the door suddenly opened. I keep my face blank as I eye the person walk in with a skip on its feet.

"I see you're finally awake, Xin!" Hair bouncing as each step click with its heels hitting the floor.

"Oh c'mon Xin, don't give me that cold look. Aren't you happy to see me?" She pouted as she lean closer to me, trying to look adorable but I think she looks pathetic.

"Nope. I prefer seeing BigBang's faces anytime than yours, Ms. Kim..." As the last word slip out of my mouth, a loud crack was heard and my head was tossed back to the side. My ears were ringing as I tasted blood again in my mouth. I cringe a little when her hand grasp my jaws in a painful grip and stare at her eyes dancing with wild anger.

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