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"Xin!" I was in mid bite of my banana when a very weird ajumma came walking briskly towards me. I turn to look behind me to see if she was calling someone else but I was alone in the small hallway of the hospital. Well, she look more like a real chaebol to me as I notice the expensive looking pearls dangling on her neck and ears with thick white fur wrapped around her shoulders. What made me frown is how this old rich lady seem to be familiar to me and calling out my name. But I don't remember having any connection to her.

"Are you alright?! Uncle called me and I nearly drop my phone when he told me you're going to go on labour." She hugged me gently before squeezing my hand in comfort. I still stare at her as she keep on talking in front of me. Why does she look so damn familiar? Where have I seen her face? I must have been staring oddly at her because she snap her fingers in front of me.

"Are you having contractions? Is it painful? Should I call the nurse?"

"Uhm, who are you?" I blurted and watch her jaws drop in shock. Oh dear, I stunned ajumma!

"I'm sorry, ajumma but I don't know you. You must been mistaken me of someone else..." I tried to apologize and hope she was alright when I saw Uncle YG just rounded the corner and heading our way.

"Xin? What are you doing here? Didn't the nurse told you to stay in your room?" He asked me as I still eye the old lady with worry when she remain stunned.

"Uncle, I think ajumma need help finding her pregnant daughter." I tugged Uncle to me, hoping he can help her.

"Ajumma?" Uncle glance at the old lady and he did an unexpected thing.... He laugh out loud and tap the old lady hard on her arm. Oh dear, ajumma nearly topple down with the impact but manage to stand back and...pout?

"Yah! That hurt uncle." I was the one who is now stunned. Why didn't I see it? Of all people, he could pull this look perfectly.

"D-Daesung?!" My voice raised an octave as I finally recognise him and a burst of laughter slip past my lips

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"D-Daesung?!" My voice raised an octave as I finally recognise him and a burst of laughter slip past my lips.

"Oh god... I can't breath... Oh..." I gasp for air when another contraction hit me unexpectedly. Ohh... That hurts...

"Easy...come on, let's get you back to your room." Daesung helped me walk back to my room with YG behind, chuckling at us. After my water broke of all places, in the middle of YG ground floor, uncle rushed me to the hospital and called GD. Unfortunately, his phone was off and so does Taeyang. So much for calling him in case of emergency. My doctor told me to stay here cause its going to be a long labour and wanted to be close by in case little one decided its time. Yes, you must be confuse why I keep on calling the baby that. Well, Ji Yong and I decide to not know the gender, even if he keep on insisting it's a girl. He even convincing the guys that his child is a girl.

"Why do you to have to cover our eyes for?" I grumble as Seungri and TOP slowly lead me around the apartment.

"Yah... If you mess up our place, I'm gonna kill you." GD threaten them with Taeyang assisting him too.

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