Chapter 5

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"That's it. Perfect! Okay! One more...alright..." I grit my teeth as I hear again the photographer's irritating voice called out as snaps of photos keep on going. For more than two hours, the guys has been under the camera posing who knows why.

"Xin, you okay?" I glance at Jong, BigBang's manager. He's been with the guys from the very start. Someone these guys trust the most, along with YG and Lee. I looked at him. Medium built, gray hair growing in the roots of his curly head. An easy smile ready to welcome anyone.

"Yes, just headache." I mumble and gaze back at the boys. They look amazing in their stylish clothes. It's been four days since I start living and working with BigBang. Four days where I took measures in adjusting their security. Four days where my face is all the time red for seeing things that some people would die for my place. Shaking my head, I push the impending thoughts and try to busy myself. When I mean busy, by holding a bag containing everything essential to them. How come I'm doing this? Only YG, Lee, Manager Jong, me and BigBang know the truth. My story is I'm the newly hired personal assistant of BigBang. Simple and easy cover. I could blend in the staff, use this chance to know the people around and watch out for them without making anyone suspicious.

"Will you watch over for a sec? Just need to go to the bathroom." I said. With a final look at them, I walk away with the bag and made my way out of the studio. It took me minutes before I found the bathroom. As I slip in an empty stall and did my business, I heard two pair of feet walking in. I was going to step out when the topic they're talking got my interest.

"Did you see the p.a. of BigBang? She look so ugh. I mean like, she look like an older sister of them." A nasal voice said.

"I know right. She's so out of their league. They're so handsome and sexy and she's eww and slutty." High pitch voice respond. They continue to trash talk about me even after they left. I frown as I step out of the stall and eye my clothes? Does wearing a white Jersey with graffiti design over a black shirt, skinny jeans and converse is slutty? I thought it to be boyish. Shrugging, I went back on the set, only to see Seungri and Daesung having a break for a while.

"Noona, will you tell Hyung that my legs are not short!" Seungri said with a pout. I couldn't resist but to pat his cheek and smile at him.

"Seungri, your legs are not that short. It looks fine to me." I said and see him duck his head with a soft blush in his face.

"Aish, noona you're making his head bigger. Look how he smile." Daesung said, chuckling on how indeed Seungri beam at me.

"Come on. Since I'm your p.a. I should be 'doing' my job right. Need anything to drink or eat?" I rolled my eyes on them. They seem to know how ticked I was in being told to and tease me more.

"Noona can you get me some vitamin water please?" Seungri batted his lashes on me.

"I think my lips are dry, noona. Will you apply some chapstick on me." Daesung pouted at me, indicating to do it right now. Narrowing my eyes on them, I wordlessly pulled out a chapstick and twist it.

"You want noona put some of this in your lips?" I asked too sweetly, making his eyes go wide when I stood on my tip toes as if trying to reach his lips. He went red as i got closer but at the last minute, I grab his hand and place his ChapStick on his palm.

"Here do it." I step back and grin at his red face.

"Yah! Noona!" I just turn away from them and make my way to the food table. I ignore the glares and curious ones coming from the staff.

"Slut." I heard a woman mumble when she pass by me. I would have ignore her if she didnt obviously shove me hard back with her shoulders, making me stumble for a moment.

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