Chapter 003

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Don't start with how my day went. Because it was absolutely horrible. Thinking about it just makes me want to throw up.

I trudged down the street, my face shown visible signs of irritation.

That jerk ruined everything for me. He had the nerve to actually do that to me? Just because you have a pretty face doesn't mean I don't want to slam your face down on the table, breaking your nose.

He makes me sick to the stomach.

My skirt dripped small droplets onto the floor, I knew I was going to get in trouble by my so called parents for 'skipping' school even though I have a note from the nurse. Thankfully the nurse was kind enough to send me home despite my issue not being too significant, I just wanted to get the hell out of their; so I pulled the oldest trick in the book, 'I have cramps'.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't actually going home because my uniform was wet, no I was going home because I was about to blow my top off out of frustration.

I dragged my bag across the sidewalk. I could feel my face twitching every two seconds from anger. I had tried calming myself down earlier but every time I did, all I could remember was that bastard's face, smiling down at me. The transfer student certainly took my interest but the wrong way.

Never in my life have I ever met anyone so reckless.

Earlier that day

"Sunmi!" I turned around to face Hana with a scowl. On the other hand Hana, who ignored the obvious irritated mood I was in, had a dreamy look on her face. "Yah Jung Sunmi have you seen how freakishly hot the transfer student is?"

I groaned and nodded. My mood was especially bad that day, the Vice President forgot about how the two of us needed to show the transfer student around so he instead made plans with his girlfriend; I had to put up a show and say it was alright.

So this put me in the position of basically baby sitting the transfer student by myself. Just what I wanted.

I eyed Hana's skirt which she caught on quickly and scratched her cheek nervously. "Hana pull your damn skirt down now!" I scolded her as I used the back of my hand to push her face away from mine. Hana rolled her eyes and puckered her lips to create an annoyed face.

"Fine Mum!" She tugged her skirt down, an irk mark was visible on her face and a slight pout was plastered on her lips.

I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour and straightened out my dress shirt. Hana and I walked together to class, we were somehow on the subject of the transfer student. I already knew he was different, not like a small difference but practically everything.

We passed by Shin Areum, I particularly had a strong disliking towards her. It was also the same for her, she was obviously jealous about always being number two against me.

Academics, athletics, popularity, you know it. I always bet her by a mile. She oftener enjoyed challenging me despite her largest of failures against me.

Areum sobbed fake crocodile tears, making me cringe and want to throw up. "Sunmi stole my boyfriend away from me away!" She whined as her so-called friends glared at me. I examined Areum's face and body closely and nearly scoffed disappointedly, "I can see what went wrong." I muttered to myself and Hana, as we watched Areum bat her eyes at some boy she was complaining to.

Hana slapped my arm and snorted, "calm your sass down, it's only the morning Superwoman." I smirked slyly and pulled my bag up higher.

Various students greeted me as I passed by, I smiled and politely waved at them like usual. Hana and I departed half way, she noticed a cute guy down the hallway and stalked down to him. I had to head off to the teacher's office to meet the transfer student.

"Pardon my intrusion." I smiled as I slid open the door. The first thing I noticed straightaway was the frustrated look on my teacher's face.

"Mr Song is everything alright?" He turned and looked at me frustrated before a look of relief looked washed over. "Ms Jung could you do me a small favour and go find the transfer student? He was here earlier but I guess he got lost."

I smiled, "of course."



I bit the inner parts of my cheeks, clenched my fist and grumbled a sigh. This transfer student is definitely going to be the death of me.

For the last hour, I've been checking every known hiding spot I know in this school but I still haven't found him yet.

I've already been around this school twice, checking every hiding spot I've seen before.

I walked down the same hallway once again until it hit me. I haven't checked the roof top yet. The roof top was a restricted area that only Hana and I went to, teachers never bothered to check up there so it was a great hiding spot for skipping classes and such. I stepped out into the roof top and climbed up the set of steps on the ladder leading up to the perfect hiding spot.

"Finally." I mumbled to myself as I finally found the transfer student, who was lying on the concrete floor and throwing his arm on top of his eyes to block away the sun.

I climbed on the roof top, a forced smile laid on my face. I poked the transfer student's arm which he responded with a deep breath. He moved his arm away and opened his eyes, one at a time. His blank eyes stared into the blue sky as he remained silent.

"Are you perhaps the transfer student?" I asked with a mellow tone in my voice even though I was tired and agitated to the extreme. "What's it to you?" His deep voice responded.

The sound of his voice quickly gave me the impression of haughtiness and conceit. He was definitely going to be exasperating and vexing. Meaning my job as his supervisor was going to be maddening for myself. Maybe getting Hana to take care of him would be easier for me. But then again Hana would probably use him for a day or two before finding a new guy.

I raised an eyebrow but kept the smile on my face. "I'm the student president. It's nice to meet you, my name is -"

He let out yet another deep breath, "you could do better to hide your annoyance," he said, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. However, he didn't smile as he stared at me. I flinched at his words and glanced away. He returned his gaze on the sky and continued staring at nothing but the blue atmosphere.

"We need to get to class." I stated which he replied with nothing but silence. "You don't plan on attending class today, are you?" I asked him as I titled my head slightly to the sky to also stare at the sky.

"You're the one to talk. You don't want to go either, right?" I heard him say. Though, rather it sounding like a question, it sounded more like statement. I turned my head to look at his blank eyes, wondering why he knew that.

I relaxed my shoulders a bit as I pulled my blazer off and set it on my lap. It was kind of nice up here; nice and warm, the perfect spot to take a nap.

Despite this, I knew I would get in trouble if I delayed any more time.

I latched my arms onto the transfer student and pulled him up without ease. "Come on, everyone's really excited to meet you." I gave him another smile, pulling my lips up into a larger grin.

He looked at me rather abjectly and dully before thrashing my arm off of him. The sudden force pushed me back into a small puddle of water. The water pelted at the back of my head as I stared down at my feet before looking back up at the transfer student.

My skirt was drenched and my dress shirt was near transparent. I pulled my blazer on to prevent my dignity from further disappearing. I was beyond embarrassed, to the actual point of being furious at the transfer student for practically pushing me into a puddle of dirty water.

An amused expression played on the transfer student as the frown on his face soon lifted to a rather cocky or arrogant smirk.

"Bye Princess."

That was my first day with the transfer student.


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