Chapter 008

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I knocked against the huge wooden door, the whole house honestly creeped me out. The house looked deserted and straight up horror movie-like.

The tip of my tongue poked out my lips as I moistened my dry lips. The door was still shut tight and no one looked they were home at the moment.

Gripping onto the welcoming gift, I was told to bring, I knocked on the door once again but this time a little louder. My foot tapped impatiently on the floor as I scowled and groaned from getting tired of waiting.

Soon enough, the large door creaked open.

My eyes widened quickly, not because of the door opening but because of the sight I caught when the door opened.

There standing in all its glory was Taehyung. No he didn't just get out of bed; he had just gotten out of the shower.

How did I know?

Well for one, his hair was dripping wet, his face a little pink with droplets of water still visible. And the most obvious part was how he was only wearing a single white towel that wrapped around his waist loosely.

His body wasn't godlike at all, just a little more on the tone side with faint muscular lines. Perhaps this was because of his young age.

Taehyung ruffled his hair, droplets of water fell to the wooden boards as he leaned against the doorframe, a single arm supporting his weight.

"Done enjoying the view?" He mocked as he placed his hand on my chin, lifting it up.

I managed to keep a straight look on my face as I slapped his hand away from me. "Don't be so cocky, I rather have you know that I don't appreciate being mocked by the likes of you." I said, implying an insult against him.

Taehyung leaned in closer to my face and frowned, "Princess you're way too serious."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed him to the side and invited myself inside. "Oh of course, come in, come in my majesty." He once again mocked, slamming the door shut. I gave a humourless chuckle and took off my shoes as I pushed the gift in my hands into the chest of Taehyung.

"From my parents." I muttered as we walked into the lounge room together.

Taehyung observed the basket before tossing it onto the kitchen bench. I couldn't care less about what he did with it, all I wanted to do was laze around and do nothing.

Studying all day was tiring so when I heard my mother asking one of the maids to bring over a gift, the opportunity was just so open that I needed to grab it.

"Sit there and don't move, I'll be back." He ordered, pointing to the sofa. I nodded and sat down as he walked off to what I presumed to be his bedroom.

I'm just sitting here, hoping I didn't walk in to the house of a serial killer.

Actually I haven't seen his father here once since they moved in. The house was much more cosy than I expected, the outside of the house was just confusing. With a single glance back to the closed door. Looking at my wristwatch, I noticed no one would be home at my house for at least another five or six hours.

He's not an asshat like I thought he was, doesn't matter. He'll become boring soon enough.

I leaned back against the backrest of the sofa and stared up into the roof.

What am I doing here? I had my fun, why am I getting so connected to Taehyung? I haven't been this close to anyone other than Hana and being friends with Hana was a pure coincidence.

She only got to see my real side after a whole year, this guy got to see that side in merely weeks.

"When are you going home Princess?"

I was stunned to find his face inches away from mine. His handsome features so close to my face that it seemed surreal.

He had changed into more comfortable clothing, which consisted of tracksuit pants and a grey shirt. His messy wet hair, now dry and fluffy to its fullest perfection. His dull brown eyes still seemed emotionless, as his gaze bore into me.

"I have a name, Jung Sunmi. And who said I was going home?" I snapped back as I crossed my leg over to the other, "why do you keep calling me Princess? It's annoying as hell. So shut the f-"

He placed a finger on top of my lips. "You know for such a diverse and rich, young lady, you sure do have a dirty mouth." He teased as trailed his finger across my lips. "Why is a girl like you so rude?"

Rolling my eyes, I moved his hand away from me.

"You don't have to pay to be rude." I snapped. "Besides I don't have a dirty mouth thank you very much."

"Girls like you are confusing as hell. They deny even the most obvious things about themselves. But are still way more interesting to watch than those dumb ones who make their face look so gross with makeup." He remarked as he slid his finger down from my cheek to my chin.

I pushed his hand away once again. "Damn boy stop touching me, unless you want a restraining order." I threatened.

Taehyung stepped back and stretched his joints. He jogged over to the basket and stared at its contents, "fruit and alcohol. Can't you guys be like normal neighbours and give us like, I don't know kimchi or rice cakes?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, letting out a breath I was holding. "You really don't have any shame do you?"

"Right back at you."

He gave me a side glance and opened up his cabinet. Taehyung pulled out a cup of instant noodles and I stood up, walking over to him. I snatched the cup of noodles out of his hands and placed it back into the cabinet.

"Don't eat that, it's bad for you." I stated, pulling out several things out of their fridge.

"So what?"

I glared at him, "so stop being a smartass, sit your ass over there and wait while I make you something decent." I hissed, getting sick of his attuitude.

He held his hands up in the air as a sign he gave up and sat down on his seat. In less than forty minutes, I was able to make him a bowl of bibimbap and one roll of kimbap.

I slid the dishes across the table to him and took a seat. Taehyung looked blankly at the food before picking up his spoon and tasting it. "How's the food?" I asked, rather boredly.


I blinked for a mere second and when I reopened my eyes again, all the food was gone. Taehyung wiped his mouth with a napkin and nodded.

I smirked eagerly, "if it was good, you could have just said so."

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