Chapter 009

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The tip of my tongue went dry as I stared down at the test results. My eyes flickered away and back at the test. I narrowed my eyes to a slit as I rubbed my temples, trying to ease the tenseness in my muscles.

Troublesome, absolutely troublesome.

I placed the sheets of paper back on the table, "how the hell do you get such low scores in start of the year test?" I questioned Taehyung as he continued playing on his game console that I was so close to throwing out the window or better yet crashing it right now with my bare hands but that would just seem too barbaric.

Peering down at the test results gave me a massive headache, how was I going to tutor Taehyung who doesn't even have the basics down for any of these subjects.

English - 12%
Korean - 29%
History - 3%
Science - 10%
Social Studies - 34%
Maths - 22%

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I mustered up a serious face.

"Taehyung how hard were you dropped on the floor?" He instinctively glared at me, finally taking his attention away from his game, and snatched the results out of my hand.

Crumbling the paper, he threw it in the bin perfectly before going back to his game. I slouched and bent my elbows so I could rest my head on them.

"So did you get dropped or are you naturally stupid?"

Taehyung immediately snapped his head to me, his eye twitched with irritation and he clenched his fist so tightly that I thought his game console was going to snap in half from the pure force. He blinked slowly, giving it a rather exaggerated or dramatic feel to it, and gave me the look of 'drop-the-subject-before I-hurt-you'.

As I smirked, I raised my hands in the air as a sign of surrender. He narrowed his eyes at me and scoffed. "So which subject did you want to start on first? History? Science?"

The latter shrugged and slumped down on his bed; groaning in the process, he laid his bed on the pillow and shut his eyes. The simple action made him look unlike his usual 'I can kill you' demeanour. Instead he actually looked sort of...normal?

I crawled over to his side and stared at him before poking his sides with a large amount of force. "It's time to wake up bitch."

He opened one of his eyes, "princess you're not suppose to be saying that." Taehyung rolled on his side after he flicked my forehead. "Besides what happen to your facade?"

"Oh that? You mean that sweet and innocent cr-"


I rolled my eyes and pounced onto him. By sitting on his stomach I was both annoying him and able to be as comfortable as I could be. I still wondered, how come I haven't gotten bored of Taehyung yet?

Sure he was an infamous bad boy and he was neither wrapped around my finger or under my charm. In fact he found his way through my mask.

"You saw through the fabrication, what's the point of being that annoying persona when you know none of it is real." I blurted out, stretching my arms in the air as I heard Taehyung grunt from the uncomfortable feeling of having me sit on his stomach. He gripped his fingers on my hip and pushed me off the bed.

I fell with a thump; quickly glaring at him as I rubbed my sore bottom. "You're such a jerk." I muttered.

Taehyung humourlessly laughed, "princess you have no idea."

Squinting my eyes, I grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him down on the floor next to me. His eyes were slightly widened at first but as his head made contact with the floor, he clammed them shut. He fell, right beside my figure. The blankets and pillow on the bed were dragged off the bed along with him.

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