Chapter 016

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I came to a conclusion: Taehyung understood me better than I preferred. For the first time, I was scared that someone was entering my small world.

So when we had gotten back to Daegu, I immediately ran towards the only person who understood me, Hana. The Seoul group had returned four hours earlier than us and Hana had texted me that we should meet up at the library across hair salon that always smelled like strong bleach when you walked by (I was pretty sure she chose the location since they had hired a new cute worker).

Right when we got out of the airport, Taehyung and I split up. He didn't tell me where he was going and I didn't tell him where I was going. We waved each other farewell, actually I waved at him while he curtly nodded back as a sign of acknowledgement.

Today I was wearing wearing a white thick stranded tank top paired with a black skirt and a sheer black cardigan that was extremely flowly.

I was just glad Seoul wasn't as hot as Jeju Island.

Streets were filled with hundreds of people and I could feel the warmth of others radiating off of them as we cramped up while at the stop light. The air was filled with the horrid smell of sweat mixing with the fumes of gas. Couples, singles and groups of friends — they were all around the streets.

I paid no attention and stuck to side, avoiding as many people as I could. I cursed at Hana in my head for choosing to meet at such an inconvenient location.

While walking, a short statured male bumped into me. We both fell in the middle of the busy street. I winced in pain before subtly glaring at the short male with the fluffy orange hair. He was cursing as he held onto the side of his hip. Immediately, I jumped into my facade as I brushed the dust off my skirt, stood up and offered him a lending hand.

He stared my hand before scoffing and standing up by himself. "First that stupid shameless minx and now this? I knew I should've gotten out of my bed this morning." He groaned loudly to himself as he readjusted the black beanie that hung off his head.

I clenched my fist, the one that he rejected wordlessly which still hung in the position where I offered him help. I retracted my hand, slowly.

A second rude as hell asshole, I thought to myself as I smiled at him.

"I apologise, it was all my fault for not watching where I was going." I apologised, hiding the fact that I was obviously not being sincere.

Despite this, the Orange haired male, with the incredibly white skin, nodded at my apology with satisfaction. I reckoned he was a couple of years older than me; he didn't look old at all but he was carrying one of the Daegu Arts High School bags. We walked off with saying anything else, it wasn't like I was going to befriend him or like we were ever going to meet again.

I carried on and got to the library in about five minutes. As soon as I stepped inside, I spotted the bright patch of orange hair that sat in the corner, where the sofa with the pastel pigmented cushions were located. I walked up to her and she looked up, sensing a presence. Instantly she gleamed up at me and pounced on me.

A loud 'shush' escaped the glaring librarians face, which lightened up when she noticed it was me causing a commotion. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

When she turned around to face her back towards us, I glared at Hana and hit her on the head. "Hana let go of me!" I demanded, pushing her off of me. The orange haired girl clung on to me even tighter and began giggling like a maniac. She was visibly tanner than the last I saw her, bout two shades darker. It complimented her hair, now she no longer looked sickly pale.

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