Chapter 014

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Whoever thought it was "okay" to wake up at 2 AM in the morning to go to the supermarket because they ran out of milk is an idiot. Whoever decides to actually go through with that plan is even more stupid.

Unfortunately for me, a drunk and intoxicated Taehyung was both.

"Come on we're nearly there!" Taehyung shouted, a little too loud, with enthusiasm laced in his tone. He had this weird expression on his face — there wasn't a smile apparent on his face but somehow his expression screamed cheerful and full of energy, which was something neither Jimin and I had at the moment.

Five hours into taking care of a drunk and we were practically dead. Jimin tried conversing with Taehyung but his words were slurred and came in broken sentences as he tried staying awake. His eyes drooping down and his footsteps became heavier.

Leading up to these moments, we had only managed to lose Taehyung once, in which Jimin and I shut our eyes for only two seconds and he was gone the next second.

Hence the reason I clasped onto Taehyung's right hand while Jimin held his left.

Once I had realised his intoxication, Taehyung was already bubbling with joy as he talked nonsense. After quickly eating all the food, we had dragged Taehyung back to the hotel by 1 AM. Jimin had stayed back a little longer with me to make sure Taehyung and I were right; unfortunately at 2 AM Taehyung woke up from his short slumber, demanding for cereal — to his dismay we had run out of milk and the hotel kitchen was closed after midnight. Thus began our journey around Jeju Island to find an open store that sells milk.

"Jimin you don't have to stay here if you want. You can go back, Jinae already retreated back to your hotel — there's no reason for why you need to suffer with me." I assured him, forcing Taehyung to steer away from bumping into people.

Even at odd hours, there were still people roaming the streets, but they were mostly teenagers if college students on either the break or one school field trip.

As amusing as it was, watching bad boy Taehyung stumble around whilst humming happy tunes, it was awfully late and past our curfew. Even though we were technically away from home, making our curfews invalid, it didn't mean I didn't want to be laying in a comfy bed, sleeping the night away.

Jimin shook his head and grinned, "I can't leave you alone walking around the street with a drunk Taehyung." He stated firmly, bringing his fist in the air as some sort of commitment.

For a moment Jimin walked in silence. Only the loud humming of Taehyung could be heard, which stopped after I 'lightly' jabbed him in stomach.

Hearing Taehyung groan, Jimin snapped his head over to me. I panicked for a second before smiling politely at him. "Perhaps he's beginning to get a headache and is going to sober up soon." I lied, knowing fully well that Taehyung wasn't going to be sober anytime soon. He drank a lot without me realising it.

Since his face was rather close to mine, I could smell the rain yet taunting scent of alcohol that was emitted through the soft breaths that he exhaled from his mouth. It was a rich smell, neither sweet or bitter.

"Sunmi, you don't need to act so composed." I halted my steps, looked at Jimin confused and raised an eyebrow. He gnawed at his lower lip before speaking again. "What I mean is that you can act like your normal self — I won't judge and I won't mind." He said, causing me widen my eyes a little.

My mouth went dry, "was I that obvious..?"

Chuckling at the bewildered expression I was making, Jimin nodded his head curtly. "It wasn't obvious at the start but I kind of saw you whispering death threats to Taehyung at one point of the day." He admitted, rumbling the nape of his neck sheepishly.

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