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 I yelled from my room


He huffed and walked in

Island: where is Riri?!

Lucas: really? Y'all playing hide and go seek and made me miss when Ez-E dying 

Island: Lucas in so freaking serious tell them to pause it. 

Lucas: aight 

I called her phone she didn't answer

I looked in the bathroom, closet, and kitchen. Lucas looked in his room and loving room. The last place to check was the den and dance room. The boys checked the den and I checked the dance room. 

I walked in like on them movies. 

Island: Riri? Ri- 

Somebody comes behind me and drop kickes me. On my BAD LEG DOE! I shake it off and get prepared to fight. Once I throw a punch Lucas comes in with the boys and turns the light on. 

I finally see who it was

How could she do this to me??

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