C'est mon évasion

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Chapter four; c'est mon évasion

"This is gonna be the best day o-" The beat soon drops and takes the house along with it; purple and blue lights covering up the immense living room, girls dancing every where, beer bottles every where as if they rained from the sky.

People do not care who they dance with, who they grind on, who they kiss; everyone is living at the moment, trying not to think about the hangover they will have the next day. Calum finds himself near the kitchen table, his hands on a girl's hips that he doesn't even know the name of him.

He leans closer and closer, just for the sake of shutting her up, and after a minute he finds himself eagerly wanting more, grinding on her to find as much friction as he possibly can. His eyes are shut, trying to concentrate on how good the girl's body feels against his own; it has been a stressful couple of days and perhaps he needs to drink a bit more to forget: but for now, he is okay with this.

The girl disconnects their lips to take a breathe, giggling as she picks up another bottle; "Did you forget I had a boyfriend?" she chuckles, clearly too drunk to even acknowledge what is coming out of her mouth. Shit, Calum thinks. He slowly disconnects his hands off her hips and take away her drink, settling it down before backing away from her.

He opens another bottle and enters the living room, standing in the corner with his body supported by the wall, he observes the different type of people: the jocks, the maths geeks, the emos and a boy who seems like he is a lost puppy.

His broad shoulders are covered by a leather jacket, not so tanned but not so pale skin glowing even in the light, Calum can't make out that much about the boy through the lightning but he definitely doesn't go to their university. Closing his eyes, he in takes a very large amount of his beer before wiping his mouth by the back of his hand and approaches the boy.

"Hey there," he smiles, hands intertwined behind his figure as he rocks forward to reach the boy's ear. Once close up, he can study the specific intriguing features of the boy: beautiful hazel eyes compliment by a large, warm smile and soft ringlets of chestnut hair falling on his face. If Calum was a girl, this would be the boy he would try to trap under his spell.

"Oh, hi. Wow, I was just looking for you but all the music and the dancing got me all dazed out. I am Ashton." introduces the boy, staggering on some words but finally able to construct a sentence. He is satisfied that he no longer has to search for the boy with tan skin and brown hair, because almost every other boy in there fits the same description.

"And why would you be looking for me?" asks Calum, leading the boy back to his previous position where he rested his beer. He offers the hazel eyed boy some, to which he gets a sincere and polite no. Calum shrugs and makes himself comfortable on the couch next to a couple who are making out.

Taking out his glasses and a notebook, he corrects his jacket and rests the small pad on his knee, using as a support as he scribbles a title down. "I am here about the Michael Clifford case. I believe you have bee-"

"Jack, get the fuck off me." demands Calum, causing a boy a little older than him with skunk hair and a girl to mutter a few words and leave the two behind.

"Uhm yeah I guess. We were best-friends when we were young and like I don't even know, he started acting weird and we drifted apart I guess."

Ashton simply nods, trying not to notice at how close the boy is getting to him and just writes down a few bullet points. "And did he ever discuss anything about how crue-"

"You're hot. L-like I am straight but like d-d-ahm" blurts out Calum, giggling like a school girl who just confessed her admiration to her crush and yeah, maybe he shouldn't drink any more but he does. It gets rid of the stress and makes him carefree for the time being.

"Thank you, but we really need to kn-"

"Can I kiss you?" asks Calum almost naturally, as if he wasn't hetreosexual, as if he wouldn't regret it when he wakes up. He isn't thinking straight, Ashton tells himself as he closes his small notebook and kicks himself mentally for being so stupid to even come to a party like this.

"You are drunk. And this was a big mistake." Ashton waves off to leave Calum when he is pulled by his coat and he finds himself sitting next to the boy once again. But this time, the boy isn't offering any type of sexual contact but rather adorably locating his head on Ashton's laps as if they are his pillows.

He reaches for the older boys' hands and rests them on his head, motioning Ashton in to running his hands through the brunette's hair and he snuggles close to him. "Mikey didn't kill his father." he mutters as he is half way on his journey to sleep.

Ashton smiles at the fascinating boy he would perhaps would like to be-friend sometimes in the future and laugh about how they met. Yeah he would really wants to do that. "How do you know?"

Ashton is not expecting an answer, for he believes the boy is long gone to his dreamland, and perhaps that is the reason he almost missed the words coming out of the boy's mouth.

"Mikey didn't kill his father. I did."

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