les voisins font beaucoup de bruit

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Chapter Nineteen; les voisins font beaucoup de bruit

Officer Hemmings is the one to break the silence that was lingering in the air for quite sometime. He slams the door open and heads straight for Tyler, to whom he asks to speak privately. The truth is, it makes the rest of them nervous when this happens, and to build up on the suspense, Tyler puts on his coat without any explanation and leaves.

Michael is in his bedroom, by himself, and he can hear everything that is going on downstairs but he no longer has the energy to move. He doesn't know where his mother is, for all he knows the place she went to can be worse than prison.

He tries his best to not let it affect him, but he feels like he has been pushed off the edge too much now; for he doesn't understand how his Creator can be so cruel to bring this much misery to his life. Calum's sentence is going to be announced in about two hours and he feels like he is about to vomit.

They have gathered all of Calum's teachers to testify and perhaps decrease the amount of time he is locked up for, but with the luck Michael has, it seems like it is going to be the maxiumum. He doesn't want to live; without his mom or Calum by his side, he doesn't have a reason to live. HE wants to die. He hates himself and he wants to die.

With that Luke comes in, placing his knuckles on the door once softly and knocking, then coming in even when he wasn't invited in. He smiles at the young boy who is wrapped under his blanket and trying to sleep the worry away.

"Hey, I brought you some coffee. Calum's trial is in half an hour and you need to get dressed up." he advices before putting down the drink on the stand next to Michael.

"I don't want to go." he answers and Luke doesn't push it, he smiles instead and nods again, showing Michael that he understands. He can not imagine what the boy is going through; to be responsible for your best friend going to jail for lying as a witness and not knowing where his mother is.

"I can stay with you if you want." the blonde suggests and his companion just shrugs it off, believing it might not be the best idea to be in the same room with an officer for that long. "Cmon, we can do some bonding shit. Watch Nextflix, play video games or what ever people do nowadays."

Michael scoffs at the sentence and moves up, observing the blonde as he takes of his shoes and joins him. He picks up the remote and searches for anything interesting on Netflix. "What about orange is the new black?"

"No dude, Stella gives me boners and it would be pretty awkward when you are sitting next to me." Luke laughs and Michael nods in agreement, choosing a movie called 'addiction'  which seems to have an interesting plot. What he manges to forget is check the rating which just happens to be 18.

With only five minutes in to the movie, there is a sex scene between the protagonist and her husband, causing Michael to blush and exit out of the movie quickly, mumbling a small 'sorry' under his breathe.

"What about we talk?" Luke suggests and shifts around to face Michael, who seems to be far more interested with fiddling rather than the boy himself.

"What do you want to talk about?" Michael asks, spreading his legs apart as he felt too warm under the covers. The cosy socks he had on kept his body at high temperature and it eventually became too much for him to handle.

"I don't know, whatever you want to talk about." Michael laughs at the response he gets from the blonde, finding it ridiculous that a professional police officer is actually trying to make conversation.

"You don't have to sympathise for me you know; we will find my mum, she loves me. She will never leave me." Michael states blandly, almost as if the words on his tongue are too familiar when they slip out.

"I know. I know." Luke mumbles,  trying to comfort the small boy who seem to over-think everything that is happening around him. Luke notices Michael never stops.

He never stops to think about all of the opportunities that are surrounding him; he never stops to realise how lucky he is to have people that support him no matter what; he never stops to think about Calum, who is willing to risk his life just to make sure Michael's isn't ruined.

He is so absorbed in his little life that he has in his head that he fails to look around him and see the reality he lives in. But Luke doesn't say this, he keeps his pretty mouth shut because the last thing the boy needs is a lecture from a man who is being affected by his case a little too much.

His thought was interrupted by Calum who bursts in to the room with a smile on his face. Michael stands up and runs for a hug to which the Maori boy smiles at. "So?" Michael asks excitedly, almost like a boy who just saw candy for the first time.

"They are giving me 6 months along with a life lasting ban on me serving as a witness at any cases."  Calum answers and Michael replies with his smile turning in to a frown. Six months doesn't sound that bad, he knows it can be worse, but it is still time he will have to serve just because of Michael's problems.

"Hey don't be sad. For the first time in a while, there is something to celebrate about." Calum smirks before jumping on the bed and screaming 'you can come in now'. On queue, all of the Graduate students join them with some pillows and blankets, Alex's hand filled with junk food and they all invite themselves.

With distant conversation lingering in the air, Michael looks out the window and wonders, he wonders if his mum is surround with people that care like he is. He knows she would have wanted him to have fun, and so he stops worrying starts actually paying attention to the pointless conversation that is taking place.


please don't let this story flop I beg you

any advices on how to keep uploading without running out of ideas?

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