Je voudrais mourir pour vous

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Chapter Six; Je voudrais mourir pour vous

No matter how hard Michael tried to change the blonde officer's mind; no matter how many times he went back to Calum and begged him not to put his life on danger, it seemed almost as if neither the policeman or the boy wanted him hurt- and so they are going against their morals and doing the wrong thing.

He would have been able to sleep if it was just something silly like the boy stealing one of his shirts, but this is a prison sentence we are talking about; no matter how many excuses there are, he will at least be in there for more than ten years.

Nevertheless, no matter how much Michael tried not to think about the day, it finally arrives and he doesn't feel like going back to the courtroom. He can't stand the thought of the boy he grew up with being used as an evidence to free him.

With a black suit on, he makes his way to the courtroom by foot, hoping perhaps somebody will run him over or something bad would happen. It doesn't. He is safe and sound - besides his numb fingers and pale face from the cold- as he arrives at the court room.

Tyler gives him a pat on the back and leads him to the immense room with the judge and the jury; he keeps his head down, and he has been told that makes him look more guilty than he is but he doesn't care. He is going to be a free man by the end of the day any ways.

The procedure starts with the proposals from the prosecutors about how Michael can not justify his whereabouts that night as well as the quarrel he had with his father two days prior to his death. When it is the defence turn, Tyler stands up and corrects his collars before calling in for a witness.

Before anything is said, Calum stands at the corner of the room occupied by a few officers while they watch his confession tape. The jury seems to be surprised by the video but also disgusted by the dead man, causing Michael's mother who sat by his side to hang her head low. He doesn't want her to be ashamed of her relationship; she doesn't want him to go to prison, as simple as that.

After a few mumbles exchanged by the jury, Calum takes the stand and sits comfortably on the chair, ready to face whatever comes his way. For they already had enough in formation, it was the prosecutor's turn to prove him wrong.

The opposition lawyer stands up and fast forwards the video till about a moment where Calum is talking about abuse; "Mr Hood, you have mentioned that you have been a victim of sexual assault right?"

Calum nods.

"But for an abuse victim, you seem awfully confiden-"

"Objection dear honour, the boy was clearly trying to save his friend in that moment and didn't feel hesitant to tell the truth." speaks Tyler and the judge motions him to sit down before allowing the prosecutor to continue.

"How long have you and Michael been friends for?" asks the man, and although Calum knows the date properly, who sits back and thinks what the man is trying to achieve before answering, "As long as I remember."

"So you would do anything for him?" questions the lawyer and Calum knows where he is going with this; he eyes Tyler who has a reassuring look on his face saying I've got your back and so he answers.

"Yes. I would die for him." Michael looks up at boy and smiles shyly at him, to which he responds with a tiny nod and looks down at again. He hates the room; it made him feel serious and sweaty; everyone here is judgemental, not even emphasising for a moment as they listen to the case.

"I mean surely if you would die for him, it is easy for you to lie about a sexua-"

"Objection, dear honour."

"Sexual assault that never happened just to stop-"

"Objection!" The judge hits his hammer repeatedly, but the opposition lawyer was too caught up in his accusation to listen.

"And so you would take his place so that the guilty boy who murdered his father with no shame will be free. What did he offer you?"

"Objection!" Tyler repeats and the court room is a mess. The opposition lawyer is panting hard from shouting at Calum and Michael feels like he is sick to the stomach from realising the way people see him.

"Mr Daniels, I am appalled by your behaviour and the way you have handled yourself in front of a young boy, willing to share his experiences with us. However, you do have a point; although people swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth as they take that chair, we have had incidences where wrong convictions have been made from false witnesses."

Everyone's anticipation grows and they know what is coming next but boy do they want to be wrong. Michael can feel his mother squeezing his hand and he looks at her, fond of the face she had; oh how it looked beautiful even in the gloomy light.

"This case will be on hold with both boys under the supervisation of Officer Hemmings until further evidence is found."

"But dear honour, Michael Clifford is a threat to the com-"

The judge hits his hammer once again, stopping the emotional man from speaking; "I have had enough of you Mr Daniels. You are lucky I am not even dismissing you from this case from your unprofessional act you have previously shown us. No further comments will be added."


wyd george haha (yes i am the 1975 trash can)

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